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Amiga Public Domain Games - BBelow are some screen shots and brief descriptions of games beginning with B which appeared in public domain libraries - some games may be shareware or licenceware as well as public domain. I will try to clearly identify the licenceware games and update the status if they become freeware.
Some games I have not played in depth but just loaded to check the disk image worked and I will potentially return to them in future months to review them. I have also indicated some games which I personally recommend. |
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Baffle Screenshot Amiga Public Domain
Computer version of Boggle - make as many words from a random selection of letters within a set time limit. Tested on Amiga 500 with 1 meg expansion and kickstart 1.3

Baldy Screenshot Amiga Public Domain
Move a Baldy man around the screen in this platform romp. Controls are a bit sluggish. Tested on Amiga 500 with 1 meg expansion and kickstart 1.3
Balistic Diplomacy

Balistic Diplomacy Screenshot Amiga Public Domain
Type in text adventure. Tested on Amiga 500 with 1 meg expansion and kickstart 1.3
Bamber Fighting Clone

Bamber Fighting Clone Screenshot Amiga Public Domain
Fighting game - similar to Barbarian. Single screen fighter involving swords.Tested on Amiga 500 with 1 meg expansion and kickstart 1.3
Banger Racers

Banger Racers Screenshot Amiga Public Domain
Four player super sprint clone. Tested on Amiga 500 with 1 meg expansion and kickstart 1.3
Battle Egg

Battle Egg Screenshot Amiga Public Domain
Defender type clone - move your ship around shooting eggs? Tested on Amiga 500 with 1 meg expansion and kickstart 1.3

Battleforce Screenshot Amiga Public Domain
Type in adventure - don't know if it is any good as these tpye of games never really appealed to me. Tested on Amiga 500 with 1 meg expansion and kickstart 1.3

Battlements Screenshot Amiga Public Domain
Hunchback clone - controls are sluggish. Tested on Amiga 500 with 1 meg expansion and kickstart 1.3

Baum Screenshot Amiga Public Domain
Two player space shoot em up - move through the maze till you find the other player and then shoot them until they explode. Tested on Amiga 500 with 1 meg expansion and kickstart 1.3
Bill the Billiard

Bill the Billiard Screenshot Amiga Public Domain
Not sure what you have to do in this. Tested on Amiga 500 with 1 meg expansion and kickstart 1.3

Bagitman Screenshot Amiga Public Domain
Great little platform game conerted from the C64 with lots of care and attention. Tested on Amiga 500 with 1 meg expansion and kickstart 1.3
Ball Lightening

Ball Lightening Screenshot Amiga Public Domain
Platform game let down by poor controls. Tested on Amiga 500 with 1 meg expansion and kickstart 1.3

Balloonacy Screenshot Amiga Public Domain
Drop bombs on the buildings as you fly by. Simple and yet quite fun for a few minutes play. Tested on Amiga 500 with 1 meg expansion and kickstart 1.3

Bang Screenshot Amiga Public Domain
Horizontal version of Arkanoid - if you like that type of game then you will enjoy this. Tested on Amiga 500 with 1 meg expansion and kickstart 1.3
Bat Dog

Bat Dog Screenshot Amiga Public Domain
Move you character across the scree collecting items- Ok platform game but there are better public domain platform games available. Tested on Amiga 500 with 1 meg expansion and kickstart 1.3

Battle Pong Screenshot Amiga Public Domain
Two player pong game - nicely presented - good fun in two player mode. Tested on Amiga 500 with 1 meg expansion and kickstart 1.3
Battle Mech

Battle Mech Screenshot Amiga Public Domain
Strategy game. Tested on Amiga 500 with 1 meg expansion and kickstart 1.3

Battleships Screenshot Amiga Public Domain
Computer version of the children's game Battleships. Place your ships on the map and then take turns firing randomly at squares in the hope of hitting the other player's ships. Tested on Amiga 500 with 1 meg expansion and kickstart 1.3
Benny Bettle in Colourbook World

Benny Beetle in Colourbook World Screenshot Amiga Public Domain
Move you character across the screen leaving a trail whilst avoiding the enemies. Tested on Amiga 500 with 1 meg expansion and kickstart 1.3
The Betrayal

The Betrayal Screenshot Amiga Public Domain
Platform game not bad but then again not great either. Tested on Amiga 500 with 1 meg expansion and kickstart 1.3

Bionx II Screenshot Amiga Public Domain
Quite a professional shoot em up - worth a game or two. Tested on Amiga 500 with 1 meg expansion and kickstart 1.3

Biplanes Screenshot Amiga Public Domain
Great two player fun - fly World War one planes around trying to shoot down the other player before they get you? Tested on Amiga 500 with 1 meg expansion and kickstart 1.3

Biride Screenshot Amiga Public Domain
Great platform game - move your cute bird character over the tiled platforms to get them to change colour. Tested on Amiga 500 with 1 meg expansion and kickstart 1.3
Black Belt

Black Belt Screenshot Amiga Public Domain
Awful karate game - waggle the joystick and try to break a piece of wood. Tested on Amiga 500 with 1 meg expansion and kickstart 1.3

Black Dawn Screenshot Amiga Public Domain
Move down corridors shooting things - not quite Doom but still good fun. Tested on Amiga 500 with 1 meg expansion and kickstart 1.3
Black Night

Black Night Screenshot Amiga Public Domain
Fruit Machine game. Tested on Amiga 500 with 1 meg expansion and kickstart 1.3

Blastem Screenshot Amiga Public Domain
This game was licenceware under F1 Licenceware label. Tested on Amiga 500 with 1 meg expansion and kickstart 1.3

Blaster Screenshot Amiga Public Domain
Fast paced shoot em up. Lots of fun. Tested on Amiga 500 with 1 meg expansion and kickstart 1.3

Bleed Screenshot Amiga Public Domain
Type in adventure game - bad language warning!!! Tested on Amiga 500 with 1 meg expansion and kickstart 1.3
Bleed 2

Bleed 2
Sequel to game above - no doubt more bad language to be aware of. Tested on Amiga 500 with 1 meg expansion and kickstart 1.3
Block Buster 2

Block Buster 2 Screenshot Amiga Public Domain
Thought it was going to be a computer version of the old tv game show but alas it is another arkanoid clone. If you like those type of games you will probably like this. Tested on Amiga 500 with 1 meg expansion and kickstart 1.3

Blork Screenshot Amiga Public Domain
A nice change to the normal shoot em ups. You control a fish shooting enemies as you move through the stream from left to right. Tested on Amiga 500 with 1 meg expansion and kickstart 1.3

Blox Screenshot Amiga Public Domain
Appears to be a computer version of those old slide move games where you move counters around a square to form a picture. Tested on Amiga 500 with 1 meg expansion and kickstart 1.3
Blue Diamond

Blue Diamond Screenshot Amiga Public Domain
Boulderdash clone converted from the C64 - There are many boulderdash clones available on public domain for the Amiga - This is not the worst version but then again it is not the best either. Tested on Amiga 500 with 1 meg expansion and kickstart 1.3
Blue Moon

Blue Moon Screenshot Amiga Public Domain
Two player dogfight but this time in space. Tested on Amiga 500 with 1 meg expansion and kickstart 1.3

Boing Screenshot Amiga Public Domain
Platform game involving moving a bouncing ball along. Looks like good fun. Tested on Amiga 500 with 1 meg expansion and kickstart 1.3
Bomb Jacky

Bomb Jacky Screenshot Amiga Public Domain
Appears to be a version of Bomb Jack. Tested on Amiga 500 with 1 meg expansion and kickstart 1.3
Bomb Mania

Bomb Mania Screenshot Amiga Public Domain
A Bomberman type game but focusing on the one player gameplay. Tested on Amiga 500 with 1 meg expansion and kickstart 1.3
Boss Car -

Boss Car Screenshot Amiga Public Domain
Racing car game. Graphics are quite good but let down by controls. Tested on Amiga 500 with 1 meg expansion and kickstart 1.3
Boulderdash 2 - AMIGAPD RECOMMENDED ***

Boulderdash 2 Screenshot Amiga Public Domain
If you like Boulderdash games then you will love this. Tested on Amiga 500 with 1 meg expansion and kickstart 1.3

Bouncer Screenshot Amiga Public Domain
Have a soft spot for this game as the idea is similar to the one I submitted to the AmigaPower design a game competition. The idea is to move a bouncing ball along a tiled courseway avoiding the bad tiles and landing on the points tiles. Tested on Amiga 500 with 1 meg expansion and kickstart 1.3

Bouncy Screenshot Amiga Public Domain
Move a bouncy ball along a single screen maze. Tested on Amiga 500 with 1 meg expansion and kickstart 1.3

Box Screenshot Amiga Public Domain
A type in text adventure. I think I should try to play at least one of these games. If you like this genre then give it a go. Tested on Amiga 500 with 1 meg expansion and kickstart 1.3
Brain Artiface

Brain Artiface Screenshot Amiga Public Domain
A puzzle game - should have read the instructions. Tested on Amiga 500 with 1 meg expansion and kickstart 1.3
Brain Bow

Brain Bow Screenshot Amiga Public Domain
Move the shape over the shapes on the screen within the time limit. Tested on Amiga 500 with 1 meg expansion and kickstart 1.3
Brain Damage -

Brain Damage Screenshot Amiga Public Domain
Another puzzle game - Tested on Amiga 500 with 1 meg expansion and kickstart 1.3
Brain Scrambler

Brain Scrambler Screenshot Amiga Public Domain
I think this is a puzzle game involving moving picture tiles around. Tested on Amiga 500 with 1 meg expansion and kickstart 1.3

Breaker Screenshot Amiga Public Domain
Yes it's another Arkanoid clone. Tested on Amiga 500 with 1 meg expansion and kickstart 1.3
Break 3d

Break 3d Screenshot Amiga Public Domain
Arkanoid clone in 3D - you need 3D glasses to play this. Tested on Amiga 500 with 1 meg expansion and kickstart 1.3
Buggy Commando - AMIGAPD RECOMMENDED ****

Buggy Commando Screenshot Amiga Public Domain
A great remake of the 8 Bit classic game. Move the buggy along shooting at the enemies. Simple but great fun. Tested on Amiga 500 with 1 meg expansion and kickstart 1.3

Bull Run Screenshot Amiga Public Domain
Simple strategy game which has nice functional graphics. Re fight the American Civil war. Even if you don't like strategy games give this one a go as it is easy to pick up and play without loads of commands and endless statistics. Tested on Amiga 500 with 1 meg expansion and kickstart 1.3
Bulldozer Bob

Bulldozer Bob Screenshot Amiga Public Domain
A puzzle game involving moving a bulldozer around the screen in a limited number of moves.

Burton Bird Screenshot Amiga Public Domain
This game is F1 Licenceware - I think there was a demo version of the first few levels. Fun game where you move a cute bird character across the screen collecting fruit - when you collected the required number you move onto the next level - Tested on Amiga 500 with 1 meg expansion and kickstart 1.3