Amiga PD CharitywareAmiga PD is a charityware site - if you download any disk images you are encouraged to donate to our chosen charity - Mencap - at our justgiving page.
Suggested donations are £1 per disk image download as this was the cost of obtaining a disk back in the 1990s. Thank you. |
Towards the end of 2011 I began work on a creating a Football Management game written in AMOS. This page contains the current work in progress version of this game and issues identified during play testing.
Release Date and Donations
A work in progress demo of the game is now available for download from this page. Please be aware that the game is still a work in progress and therefore there will be bugs and quirks which still need to be corrected.
When the game is finally completed it will be free to download and play but users will be encouraged to make a donation to my just giving page.
Please donate as this will encourage me to make new games for the amiga and improve this game with further updates. The game has taken probably about 180 hours of my spare time to make so far and therefore whilst I don't personaly want any financial reward I would appreciate charitable donations to my chosen charity mencap.
When the game is finally completed it will be free to download and play but users will be encouraged to make a donation to my just giving page.
Please donate as this will encourage me to make new games for the amiga and improve this game with further updates. The game has taken probably about 180 hours of my spare time to make so far and therefore whilst I don't personaly want any financial reward I would appreciate charitable donations to my chosen charity mencap.
What's left to do
The game is in a playable state at the moment but the following actions still need to be completed before I will make the game available for play testing:
More UpdatesIf you would like more updates about the game then you can follow us on twitter and look for #amosfootballgame posts - or join our facebook page.
Current Download
Below is the current work in progress version of the AMOS Football Manager Game - There are three disks (Game disk - music disk - data disk).
Earlier Versions of the Game
Below are earlier versions of the game.
Player Testers Comments
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