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HOME / Catalogue / AMOSPDsoundsamples
AMOS PD Sound Samples
Samples 2
Alert1, Alien1, Beamer, Beep, Carstart, Charge, Coilgun, CrashdIV,
Dive, Echogun1, Echogun2, Echogun3, Eeee, Eeiong, Explode1, Explode2,
Explode3, Explode4, Explode5, Explode6, Fountain, Horn, Hum, Laughsic,
M32shoot, Motor1, Motor2, Motor3, Motor4, Passage, Phaser, Pinball,
Quack2, Repeater, Revup1, Revup2, Shipguns, Shoot, Slide, Stargun1,
Stargun2, Stunner, Train, Whinegun, Woo.
Samples 3
Bats1, Breath1, Cats, Door1, Door2, Door3, Door4, Gorilla1, Gorilla2,
Heart1, Heart2, Hellhnd1, Laugh, Laugh2, Monster1, Phantom1, Phantom2,
Prtculis, Scream1, Scream2, Scream3, Scream4, Scream5, Scream6, Stangle,
Wolf1, Wolf2, Wolf3.
Samples 4
Arrows, Bells1, Bells2, Bells3, Dagger, Drips1, Firesqwd, Firestke,
Hotpoker, Jungle1, Jungle2, Necktwst, Owl1, Owl2, Pendulum, Physlab1,
Rain1, Saw_leg, Saw_leg2, Tanktrax, Thunder1, Thunder2, Thunder3,
Thunder4, Updown.
Samples 5
Alarm, Alarm2, Astral, Cascade, Compute1, Count, Docking, Drwho,
Landing, Laseban2, Lasebang, Laser, Laser2, Laser3, Laser4, Laser5,
Takeoff, Tinkle, Warble, Warp.
Instruments St-01
Approximately 90 instruments
A-Bass, Aaah, AckerBell, Annoying, Bass1, Bass2, Bass3, Bass4,
BassDrum1, BassDrum2, Bells, Brass, Bright, Church, D1, Drumsharp,
Elecbass, Fineone027, Fineone037, Fineone047, Fineone057, FunSound,
Guitar4, HighOp, HiHat1, HiHat2, Kimbassdrum, Led04, Led09, Led0a,
LedGuitar01, LedHeavy01, LedSnare, Marimba, Name, Perc, Perc-DryTom,
Perc-Timpani, Percussion1, Percussion2, PLST, Rasors, Revbdrum,
Ridecymbal3, RSnareDrum, Scary, Shaker, Snare25, SnareDrum1, SnareDrum2,
Sony05-07, Sony06-07, Sonydrum01, Sonydrum02, Sonydrum03, Sonydrum05,
Sonydrum07, Sorry, SpaceTalk, Storm01, Strat, Strings1, Strings2,
Strings22Min, Strings3, Strings4, Strings5, Strings7, Strplus,
Suprabass1, Synthtom, Tadaa, Take, THGuitar, TomDrum, tromajor,
Trominor, Trstclap, Ultrastring, Who, wind, Yodel, Zzzax001, Zzzax002,
Zzzax003, Zzzax004, Zzzax005, Zzzax06
instruments st-02
Approximately 70 instruments
bass6, bassdrum5, g21, lowsynth, mad, noise1, sae, shaker, sirin,
snare6, synth1, voice1, zing, 19hat, ahhvox, arztbass, badyyoungbbd,
bass1, bass3, bassdrum3, bassdrum5, blip, blood, bongo, bsnare,
chornos6, chronos4, chronos5, church, clap-e, cymbal, deep_voice,
digdug, dreamings, drop2, drum1, drum2, erclhh, erophh, finale, floette,
goodpling, guitar7, hapsi, harrier2, horn, ibanez, kitax, laser1,
longslap, lotmore, luftstring, moog2, osterbass1, ostertrumpet1, oyyou,
panflute2, perc-timbale, pling, PLST, question, scratch, sharpbass,
sinecz, snare7, snare9, sonar, spiffclap2, think1, think2, till,
tinclap, twee1, typewriter, xfarley, yeah, zapp
Samples 6
lamebrain, laugh1, laugh2, laugh3, laugh4, openeerie! right, right2,
ring, These_sounds, thisis, Thunder, tied-up, time.out.yo, train,
trainhorn, transport, twang, warning2, Wee, Welcome, welcome2, whatboat,
whatwegd, WHINNY1, WHINNY2, WHINNY3, whistl1, whistl2, whistl3, whistl4,
Whoa_black_betty, whoithell, wind, woman-aahh, woorgh, yaunt, yaunt2,
yeah, yodelsound, Y_can't_play_this.
Samples 7
Move, network23, notimportant, orchblast, ouch1, Owwwh, pepper, PIG1,
PIGGROWL, PIGS-AHA, PIGS-DISTORT, plane, pumpupvolume, readytoattak,
righton, robotvoice, running, salt, savagedeath, Seagull, seascape,
sexycomputer, smash, Smile, Sneeze, somebodyscream, sonar, spacedoors,
Sploit-drip, spring, spring1, springhigh, Stand_by, staticbuzz, stove,
sturm2, SW-allclear, SW-greattrykid, SW-redfive, SW-sizeofthing,
SW-usetheforce, swoosh, swordCLANG, SwordSWIPE, Telephone,
Thats_all_Folks, thesavage.
Samples 8
aaaah, aahhhhhh, ac.train3, ALARM1, ALARM2, ALARM3, ALARM4, alert, alf,
AMOSspeech, Audience, Ay_Yeah, bass, bells, Bikecrash, blood, blubb,
blubb2, bodyblow, boing1, BOING2, BOING3, bullet, bullet3, bullet4,
burp, bwang, Can't_t_This, carhorn, carstart, cartoon-coyote, CatMeow,
cheep, Clapping, clapping2, click, collect1, collect2, comeon,,
Cough, crash, CrashBackward, Creak, crrunch, deepvoice1, deepvoice2,
Doom, Doom2, Doom3, drip.
Samples 9
drip1, drip2, drip3, drip4, dum-b-dum, dynamic, eristein, explosion,
explosion1, explosion2, explosion2, explosion3, explosion5,
FootstepECHO, Freak_out, FX.SPOTON, gameover, getvideo, go, goback,
Good_morning, gunshot1, haaa, Hello, Here_the_drummer, hey, hey.rad,
hey2, heyhey, Hip-Hip, Hit_it, hoo, Huh! Jam_hot, jetsound, knock,
Laser, Laser2, Laugh, Laugh1, laugh2, laugh3, lazer1, lazer2, lets_go,
Lets_go! liveanddirect, loser, machine_gun, madlord, maxx, misc1.
Instruments St-03
Approximately 70 instruments.
440-gatedsnare, 440gated-snare, 440thick, acidflickbass, akaiclosedhh,
arztbass, bassdrum7, bassdrum8, battledrum, bodbozdrum, bodbozhouse,
bodbozhouse2, bodbozjourney, bodbozpumper, bodboztime, breath, chor,
chuckie-bar, church, clap3, cleanbass, combistrings, distdemp, drop2,
e-chord1, e-chord2, em-bass3, em-bass4, epmdhi, eradrum, erasnare,
escape2, explosion, futurestring, gbass, guitar3, guitar4, guitar7,
hoah, jmj4, laserdrum, lead12, lead8, lobster, metalchord, moog9,
NightAOn1, NightAOn2, parbassdrum, patbassdrum, PLST, polysynth,
portamento1, powerbassdrum1, prowater1, rraid4, sax2, saxophone, sinecz,
snapstring, snare13, Snare17, snaredrum9, sologuit2, sonar, spacesnare,
spliffclap2, strings8, synth5, synth8, tomdrum, typewriter, wh1, wh10,
wowtrumpet, xstrings, zap
instruments st-04
Approximately 100 instruments.
Aligator, AnalogString, Asia, BassDrum1, BassDrum2, BassDrum3, BigBow,
Blast, Blubzing, Celeste, Chink, Claps1, Claps2, Claves, CloseHiHat,
Conga, CowBell, Dangerous, Detune, Die, DigDug, DigiHarp, Dogbark,
DreamBells, DXBass, DxTom, ElecTom, EPiano, Eug, FaeryTale, FilterBass,
FunBass, FunkBass, HallBrass, Heaven, HeavySynth, Heifer, HiHat1,
HiHat2, Hooman, Horns, JahrMarkt1, JahrMarkt2, Jetes, Klickorgan,
KorgBass, KorgBeau, KorgBow, KorgDoi, KorgFilter, KorgString, Koto,
Leader, Licks, Magic, Marimba, MetalKeys, MonoBass, MonsterBass,
MuteClav, Nice, NoteMan, Organ, Outlaw, Perco, PingBells, Pizza, PLST,
PolySynth, PopBass, PopSnare1, PopSnare2, RichString, RingPiano,
RoomBrass, Shaker, Shamus, SineCZ, SixTease, Smash1, Smash2, Snare1,
Snare2, Snare3, SoftBass, Sphere, Squares, Steinway, Strange, strings1,
strings2, strings3, strings4, strings5, strings6, strings7, Sulu, Sweep,
SynBrass, SynClaves, SyntheBass, SynthPiano, TechBass, TheEgg, TineWave,
Touch, TuneBass, Voices, Wabberstring, WoodBlock, WowBass
rippers disc
gary shilvock
This disc contains a vast amount of rippers for you to get at all that
elusive Soundtracker music in demos etc.
Samples 10
Brian Iredale (canada)
A sound sample disc sent in from Canada.
Applause, AutoFire, Bells, Boing, Bowling, Creaking, Drill, Explosion,
FogHorn, FootSteps, Gallop, Glass, Gunship, HandGun, Horn, Ignition,
Klaxon, Lasers, Laughter, more, Pony, Ricochet, Scotty, Siren, Sound,
Sound.doc,Thriller, Thunder, Twilite.
Samples 11
Brian Iredale
Another sample disc by Brian Iredale from Canada.
Accelerate, Alarm, Arrow_Begin, Arrow_End, Audio.doc,
Basketball_Bounce, Beep, Beep_Vibes_1, Beep_Vibes_2, Birds, Bomb_Beep,
Bond_Intro, Church_Bell, Cough, Door_Close, Drum_Final, Drum_Rift,
Drum_Roll, Explosion, Guitar_Rift, Gun_&_Glass, Hand_Claps, Jaws,
Jaws_2, Meow, Paint_Guns, Pink_Panther, Rapid_Fire, Sneeze, Sound,
Sound.doc, Spear_Gun_1, Spear_Gun_2, Spear_Gun_3, Strange_Siren,
Thunder_Roar, Ticking, Waves, Whoopie, Windshield_Break, Yell.
Steve's Samples 1
Steve Bennett
About 40 different samples for use in your AMOS programs. Sounds are
Ah, am i evil, bailchord, basics, bass10, BassI, Bubble, Car skid,
computer_alarm, cowboy_gun1, cowboy_gun2, damp, death_gong, Double Bass,
dxbase, Echodrum, EffectI, EffectII, Electric Guitar2, Elephant,
Explosion, gitty, Gong, Human, HumanII, Jungle, kef-bass, Little ben,
Machine-Gun, No, Piano2, pops, powerbassdrum, Scream, Slap bass, Snare1,
Sphere, Tiger, TomI, Tropical birds, wierd
Steve's Samples 2
Steve Bennett
samples on this disc are bettergetback, bigexplosion, birdsong,
crickets_chirping, death_gong, duck_talk, fire, gameover, getready,
goodshooting, gunshoot, heartbeat, laugh, letsrock, mans_cough,
monster_roar, music1sam, music2, newend, ooooh_errr, orac_switch_on,
pop3, pops1, smartbomb1, space_alarm, space_alarm2, standbyforaction,
tank_shooting, vibro_buildup, vin_price_laugh, visitwithpeace,
watchyourfire, youll_never_escape
Steve's Samples 3
Steve Bennett
Samples on this disc include alienexplosion1, ambulance_siren,
bettergetback, bigexplosion, cardiograph, churchbells, cock_a_doodle_do,
cricket, donkey, double_cannon_shot, earthstoodstill, fire_engine_horn,
fog_horn, hammer_thud, it_came_intro, laser_fade, lightning, morse_code,
music3, oh_no, ouch, police_car_siren, race_car_engine, refs_whistle,
seagull, ships_horn, single_shot_laser, sky_rocket, tank,
tom_tom_and_people, trimphone, tyre_screech, weeuw, wheee,
window_breaking, wip, yip, youll_never_escape
Steve's Samples 4
Steve Bennett
Samples on this disc are aaaaahhhhh1, aaaaahhhhh2, aaaahhh,
another_laser, automatic_fire, ball_bounce, biplane_diving,
biplane_engine, breakout_ball_wall, bubberling, cards_shuffle,
car_skid1, car_starter_and_revs, car_starter_motor, car_tickover,
dog_bark, end_of_level, galactica_laser, get_ready, glass_breaking_1,
glass_breaking_2, gunshot, heartbeat, heavy_ball_bounce, helicopter,
helicopter1, helicopter2, hello_driver, horse_trotting, horse_whinney,
laser3, laser4, laser_cannon, machinegun, marching, metal_bar,
motorboat, music1, music2, revolver_single_shot, rifleshot_richchet_1,
rifleshot_richchet_2, rifleshot_richchet_, rifleshot_with_echo,
Steve's Samples 5
Steve Bennett
Samples on this disc are 20's_style_jingle, anti_aircraft_gun, arrow,
ball_bounce, bird_chirp, boing, BOYEE, bump, burp, car_horn,
car_horn_honk, car_rev_drive_off, car_skid_crash, cavalry_charge,
crowd_roar_1, door_slam, drum_roll, flash, frog_jump, FUNKY DRUMMER 1,
hammer_ring, heart_beat, iluvyou, lightning, loads_of_cowboy_fire,
mass_effects_1, ping-noing, pop, rain, sky_rocket1, sky_rocket2,
space_warp, starwars_laser, steamboat_hoot, sword_clang1, sword_clang2,
thunder, wee-donk, wind, zylaphonejingle.
Music For Madness
Dizzy Edge
A music player with lots of music for you to listen to.
Sample Workshop
From Australia
A Program which will allow you to listen to and work on sound samples.
Aussie Samples #1
Previously known as AUS19. Disk of Sound sams for your programs.
ALARM1, ALARM4, alert, Bikecrash, blubb2, boing1, BOING2, BOING3,
bullet, bullet3, bullet4 bwang, carhorn, carstart, CatMeow, cheep,
Clapping, clapping2, Cough, crash, CrashBackward, Creak, crrunch, drip1,
drip2, drip3, drip4, explosion, explosion2, explosion3, explosion5, hey,
jetsound, knock, Laser, Laser2, machine_gun, nothing, PIG1, PIGGROWL,
PIGS-AHA, PIGS-DISTORT, plane, Seagull, seascape, smash, Sneeze, sonar,
spacedoors, Sploit-drip, spring, springhigh, staticbuzz, sturm2, swoosh,
Telephone, Thunder, train, trainhorn, twang, WHINNY1, WHINNY2, WHINNY3,
whistl1, whistl2, whistl3, whistl4, wind.
Aussie Samples #2
Previously AUS20. More sound samples.
cartoon-coyote, alf, Audience, bass, blood, bodyblow, comeon,
deepvoice1, deepvoice2, dum-b-dum, dynamic, eristein, gameover,
getvideo, go, haaa, hey2, heyhey, Hip-Hip, Laugh, Laugh1, laugh2,
laugh3, Leader, liveanddirect, loser, madlord, maxx, network23,
notimportant ouch1, Owwwh, pumpupvolume, readytoattak, robotvoice,
running, savagedeath, sexycomputer, somebodyscream, thesavage, the_duel,
thisis, tied-up, warning2, Wee, welcome, whoithell, woman-aahh, woorgh,
YaskMe, yeah, yodelsound.
Aussie Samples #3
More sound samples.
a hero, another sword clang, argh, arghalopa, bang argh, bark, bell,
boing, boingggg, bong, bounce, bubling lava, burning fire, captain
caveman! car skid, clink, clunk, crowd, dead or alive, dont beleive me,
door opening, dumdumdumdum, enemy, enter name, get ready for a suprise,
girl screaming, gogogo, good evening australia, good night, growl,
hahaha, haheha, halt stranger, heroine, hiargh, howl, im derryn hinch,
in hall fame, jump, laser, lion1, nasty laugh, no lapking, plane
landing, police siren, present, psew, rattings, robocop, rolling barrel,
select, shame, shoot&reload, sludge, somthing dropped, splat, splish,
sword block, television, thats life, the demo, thumping ground,
tightening rope, uh oh, welcome to mars, who am i? yeah1, yougotit.
Aussie Samples #4
More assorted sams and instruments from Australia.
in, in2, Bass+Voice1, Bass1, Bass2, Bass3, Bassdrum1, Drums1, Guitar1,
Orchest1, Snaredrum1, Strings1, Strings2, Synth1, Synth2, Synth3,
Synth4, Synth5, Synth6, Trumpets1, Weird.
Ahhh!! Airplane, Aliens1, Bell, Boing, CarCrash, Carengine,
CarIgnition, CarIgnition2, Carskid, Cat, Cough, DrumFinal, DrumRoll,
Explosion1, Food, Funny1, Gethim, GO! Hurt1, Hurt2, Hurt3, Jet,
MachineGun, MachineGun2, MonsterMoan, Oooo! Plopp, Redalert, Rocket1,
Shoot1, Shoot2, Sneeze, Something Thrown, Space Ship Engine1,
SPORTSCARengine, SquashedV8engine, Weird1, Weird2, Weird3, Womanscream,
Samples 2
Alert1, Alien1, Beamer, Beep, Carstart, Charge, Coilgun, CrashdIV,
Dive, Echogun1, Echogun2, Echogun3, Eeee, Eeiong, Explode1, Explode2,
Explode3, Explode4, Explode5, Explode6, Fountain, Horn, Hum, Laughsic,
M32shoot, Motor1, Motor2, Motor3, Motor4, Passage, Phaser, Pinball,
Quack2, Repeater, Revup1, Revup2, Shipguns, Shoot, Slide, Stargun1,
Stargun2, Stunner, Train, Whinegun, Woo.
Samples 3
Bats1, Breath1, Cats, Door1, Door2, Door3, Door4, Gorilla1, Gorilla2,
Heart1, Heart2, Hellhnd1, Laugh, Laugh2, Monster1, Phantom1, Phantom2,
Prtculis, Scream1, Scream2, Scream3, Scream4, Scream5, Scream6, Stangle,
Wolf1, Wolf2, Wolf3.
Samples 4
Arrows, Bells1, Bells2, Bells3, Dagger, Drips1, Firesqwd, Firestke,
Hotpoker, Jungle1, Jungle2, Necktwst, Owl1, Owl2, Pendulum, Physlab1,
Rain1, Saw_leg, Saw_leg2, Tanktrax, Thunder1, Thunder2, Thunder3,
Thunder4, Updown.
Samples 5
Alarm, Alarm2, Astral, Cascade, Compute1, Count, Docking, Drwho,
Landing, Laseban2, Lasebang, Laser, Laser2, Laser3, Laser4, Laser5,
Takeoff, Tinkle, Warble, Warp.
Instruments St-01
Approximately 90 instruments
A-Bass, Aaah, AckerBell, Annoying, Bass1, Bass2, Bass3, Bass4,
BassDrum1, BassDrum2, Bells, Brass, Bright, Church, D1, Drumsharp,
Elecbass, Fineone027, Fineone037, Fineone047, Fineone057, FunSound,
Guitar4, HighOp, HiHat1, HiHat2, Kimbassdrum, Led04, Led09, Led0a,
LedGuitar01, LedHeavy01, LedSnare, Marimba, Name, Perc, Perc-DryTom,
Perc-Timpani, Percussion1, Percussion2, PLST, Rasors, Revbdrum,
Ridecymbal3, RSnareDrum, Scary, Shaker, Snare25, SnareDrum1, SnareDrum2,
Sony05-07, Sony06-07, Sonydrum01, Sonydrum02, Sonydrum03, Sonydrum05,
Sonydrum07, Sorry, SpaceTalk, Storm01, Strat, Strings1, Strings2,
Strings22Min, Strings3, Strings4, Strings5, Strings7, Strplus,
Suprabass1, Synthtom, Tadaa, Take, THGuitar, TomDrum, tromajor,
Trominor, Trstclap, Ultrastring, Who, wind, Yodel, Zzzax001, Zzzax002,
Zzzax003, Zzzax004, Zzzax005, Zzzax06
instruments st-02
Approximately 70 instruments
bass6, bassdrum5, g21, lowsynth, mad, noise1, sae, shaker, sirin,
snare6, synth1, voice1, zing, 19hat, ahhvox, arztbass, badyyoungbbd,
bass1, bass3, bassdrum3, bassdrum5, blip, blood, bongo, bsnare,
chornos6, chronos4, chronos5, church, clap-e, cymbal, deep_voice,
digdug, dreamings, drop2, drum1, drum2, erclhh, erophh, finale, floette,
goodpling, guitar7, hapsi, harrier2, horn, ibanez, kitax, laser1,
longslap, lotmore, luftstring, moog2, osterbass1, ostertrumpet1, oyyou,
panflute2, perc-timbale, pling, PLST, question, scratch, sharpbass,
sinecz, snare7, snare9, sonar, spiffclap2, think1, think2, till,
tinclap, twee1, typewriter, xfarley, yeah, zapp
Samples 6
lamebrain, laugh1, laugh2, laugh3, laugh4, openeerie! right, right2,
ring, These_sounds, thisis, Thunder, tied-up, time.out.yo, train,
trainhorn, transport, twang, warning2, Wee, Welcome, welcome2, whatboat,
whatwegd, WHINNY1, WHINNY2, WHINNY3, whistl1, whistl2, whistl3, whistl4,
Whoa_black_betty, whoithell, wind, woman-aahh, woorgh, yaunt, yaunt2,
yeah, yodelsound, Y_can't_play_this.
Samples 7
Move, network23, notimportant, orchblast, ouch1, Owwwh, pepper, PIG1,
PIGGROWL, PIGS-AHA, PIGS-DISTORT, plane, pumpupvolume, readytoattak,
righton, robotvoice, running, salt, savagedeath, Seagull, seascape,
sexycomputer, smash, Smile, Sneeze, somebodyscream, sonar, spacedoors,
Sploit-drip, spring, spring1, springhigh, Stand_by, staticbuzz, stove,
sturm2, SW-allclear, SW-greattrykid, SW-redfive, SW-sizeofthing,
SW-usetheforce, swoosh, swordCLANG, SwordSWIPE, Telephone,
Thats_all_Folks, thesavage.
Samples 8
aaaah, aahhhhhh, ac.train3, ALARM1, ALARM2, ALARM3, ALARM4, alert, alf,
AMOSspeech, Audience, Ay_Yeah, bass, bells, Bikecrash, blood, blubb,
blubb2, bodyblow, boing1, BOING2, BOING3, bullet, bullet3, bullet4,
burp, bwang, Can't_t_This, carhorn, carstart, cartoon-coyote, CatMeow,
cheep, Clapping, clapping2, click, collect1, collect2, comeon,,
Cough, crash, CrashBackward, Creak, crrunch, deepvoice1, deepvoice2,
Doom, Doom2, Doom3, drip.
Samples 9
drip1, drip2, drip3, drip4, dum-b-dum, dynamic, eristein, explosion,
explosion1, explosion2, explosion2, explosion3, explosion5,
FootstepECHO, Freak_out, FX.SPOTON, gameover, getvideo, go, goback,
Good_morning, gunshot1, haaa, Hello, Here_the_drummer, hey, hey.rad,
hey2, heyhey, Hip-Hip, Hit_it, hoo, Huh! Jam_hot, jetsound, knock,
Laser, Laser2, Laugh, Laugh1, laugh2, laugh3, lazer1, lazer2, lets_go,
Lets_go! liveanddirect, loser, machine_gun, madlord, maxx, misc1.
Instruments St-03
Approximately 70 instruments.
440-gatedsnare, 440gated-snare, 440thick, acidflickbass, akaiclosedhh,
arztbass, bassdrum7, bassdrum8, battledrum, bodbozdrum, bodbozhouse,
bodbozhouse2, bodbozjourney, bodbozpumper, bodboztime, breath, chor,
chuckie-bar, church, clap3, cleanbass, combistrings, distdemp, drop2,
e-chord1, e-chord2, em-bass3, em-bass4, epmdhi, eradrum, erasnare,
escape2, explosion, futurestring, gbass, guitar3, guitar4, guitar7,
hoah, jmj4, laserdrum, lead12, lead8, lobster, metalchord, moog9,
NightAOn1, NightAOn2, parbassdrum, patbassdrum, PLST, polysynth,
portamento1, powerbassdrum1, prowater1, rraid4, sax2, saxophone, sinecz,
snapstring, snare13, Snare17, snaredrum9, sologuit2, sonar, spacesnare,
spliffclap2, strings8, synth5, synth8, tomdrum, typewriter, wh1, wh10,
wowtrumpet, xstrings, zap
instruments st-04
Approximately 100 instruments.
Aligator, AnalogString, Asia, BassDrum1, BassDrum2, BassDrum3, BigBow,
Blast, Blubzing, Celeste, Chink, Claps1, Claps2, Claves, CloseHiHat,
Conga, CowBell, Dangerous, Detune, Die, DigDug, DigiHarp, Dogbark,
DreamBells, DXBass, DxTom, ElecTom, EPiano, Eug, FaeryTale, FilterBass,
FunBass, FunkBass, HallBrass, Heaven, HeavySynth, Heifer, HiHat1,
HiHat2, Hooman, Horns, JahrMarkt1, JahrMarkt2, Jetes, Klickorgan,
KorgBass, KorgBeau, KorgBow, KorgDoi, KorgFilter, KorgString, Koto,
Leader, Licks, Magic, Marimba, MetalKeys, MonoBass, MonsterBass,
MuteClav, Nice, NoteMan, Organ, Outlaw, Perco, PingBells, Pizza, PLST,
PolySynth, PopBass, PopSnare1, PopSnare2, RichString, RingPiano,
RoomBrass, Shaker, Shamus, SineCZ, SixTease, Smash1, Smash2, Snare1,
Snare2, Snare3, SoftBass, Sphere, Squares, Steinway, Strange, strings1,
strings2, strings3, strings4, strings5, strings6, strings7, Sulu, Sweep,
SynBrass, SynClaves, SyntheBass, SynthPiano, TechBass, TheEgg, TineWave,
Touch, TuneBass, Voices, Wabberstring, WoodBlock, WowBass
rippers disc
gary shilvock
This disc contains a vast amount of rippers for you to get at all that
elusive Soundtracker music in demos etc.
Samples 10
Brian Iredale (canada)
A sound sample disc sent in from Canada.
Applause, AutoFire, Bells, Boing, Bowling, Creaking, Drill, Explosion,
FogHorn, FootSteps, Gallop, Glass, Gunship, HandGun, Horn, Ignition,
Klaxon, Lasers, Laughter, more, Pony, Ricochet, Scotty, Siren, Sound,
Sound.doc,Thriller, Thunder, Twilite.
Samples 11
Brian Iredale
Another sample disc by Brian Iredale from Canada.
Accelerate, Alarm, Arrow_Begin, Arrow_End, Audio.doc,
Basketball_Bounce, Beep, Beep_Vibes_1, Beep_Vibes_2, Birds, Bomb_Beep,
Bond_Intro, Church_Bell, Cough, Door_Close, Drum_Final, Drum_Rift,
Drum_Roll, Explosion, Guitar_Rift, Gun_&_Glass, Hand_Claps, Jaws,
Jaws_2, Meow, Paint_Guns, Pink_Panther, Rapid_Fire, Sneeze, Sound,
Sound.doc, Spear_Gun_1, Spear_Gun_2, Spear_Gun_3, Strange_Siren,
Thunder_Roar, Ticking, Waves, Whoopie, Windshield_Break, Yell.
Steve's Samples 1
Steve Bennett
About 40 different samples for use in your AMOS programs. Sounds are
Ah, am i evil, bailchord, basics, bass10, BassI, Bubble, Car skid,
computer_alarm, cowboy_gun1, cowboy_gun2, damp, death_gong, Double Bass,
dxbase, Echodrum, EffectI, EffectII, Electric Guitar2, Elephant,
Explosion, gitty, Gong, Human, HumanII, Jungle, kef-bass, Little ben,
Machine-Gun, No, Piano2, pops, powerbassdrum, Scream, Slap bass, Snare1,
Sphere, Tiger, TomI, Tropical birds, wierd
Steve's Samples 2
Steve Bennett
samples on this disc are bettergetback, bigexplosion, birdsong,
crickets_chirping, death_gong, duck_talk, fire, gameover, getready,
goodshooting, gunshoot, heartbeat, laugh, letsrock, mans_cough,
monster_roar, music1sam, music2, newend, ooooh_errr, orac_switch_on,
pop3, pops1, smartbomb1, space_alarm, space_alarm2, standbyforaction,
tank_shooting, vibro_buildup, vin_price_laugh, visitwithpeace,
watchyourfire, youll_never_escape
Steve's Samples 3
Steve Bennett
Samples on this disc include alienexplosion1, ambulance_siren,
bettergetback, bigexplosion, cardiograph, churchbells, cock_a_doodle_do,
cricket, donkey, double_cannon_shot, earthstoodstill, fire_engine_horn,
fog_horn, hammer_thud, it_came_intro, laser_fade, lightning, morse_code,
music3, oh_no, ouch, police_car_siren, race_car_engine, refs_whistle,
seagull, ships_horn, single_shot_laser, sky_rocket, tank,
tom_tom_and_people, trimphone, tyre_screech, weeuw, wheee,
window_breaking, wip, yip, youll_never_escape
Steve's Samples 4
Steve Bennett
Samples on this disc are aaaaahhhhh1, aaaaahhhhh2, aaaahhh,
another_laser, automatic_fire, ball_bounce, biplane_diving,
biplane_engine, breakout_ball_wall, bubberling, cards_shuffle,
car_skid1, car_starter_and_revs, car_starter_motor, car_tickover,
dog_bark, end_of_level, galactica_laser, get_ready, glass_breaking_1,
glass_breaking_2, gunshot, heartbeat, heavy_ball_bounce, helicopter,
helicopter1, helicopter2, hello_driver, horse_trotting, horse_whinney,
laser3, laser4, laser_cannon, machinegun, marching, metal_bar,
motorboat, music1, music2, revolver_single_shot, rifleshot_richchet_1,
rifleshot_richchet_2, rifleshot_richchet_, rifleshot_with_echo,
Steve's Samples 5
Steve Bennett
Samples on this disc are 20's_style_jingle, anti_aircraft_gun, arrow,
ball_bounce, bird_chirp, boing, BOYEE, bump, burp, car_horn,
car_horn_honk, car_rev_drive_off, car_skid_crash, cavalry_charge,
crowd_roar_1, door_slam, drum_roll, flash, frog_jump, FUNKY DRUMMER 1,
hammer_ring, heart_beat, iluvyou, lightning, loads_of_cowboy_fire,
mass_effects_1, ping-noing, pop, rain, sky_rocket1, sky_rocket2,
space_warp, starwars_laser, steamboat_hoot, sword_clang1, sword_clang2,
thunder, wee-donk, wind, zylaphonejingle.
Music For Madness
Dizzy Edge
A music player with lots of music for you to listen to.
Sample Workshop
From Australia
A Program which will allow you to listen to and work on sound samples.
Aussie Samples #1
Previously known as AUS19. Disk of Sound sams for your programs.
ALARM1, ALARM4, alert, Bikecrash, blubb2, boing1, BOING2, BOING3,
bullet, bullet3, bullet4 bwang, carhorn, carstart, CatMeow, cheep,
Clapping, clapping2, Cough, crash, CrashBackward, Creak, crrunch, drip1,
drip2, drip3, drip4, explosion, explosion2, explosion3, explosion5, hey,
jetsound, knock, Laser, Laser2, machine_gun, nothing, PIG1, PIGGROWL,
PIGS-AHA, PIGS-DISTORT, plane, Seagull, seascape, smash, Sneeze, sonar,
spacedoors, Sploit-drip, spring, springhigh, staticbuzz, sturm2, swoosh,
Telephone, Thunder, train, trainhorn, twang, WHINNY1, WHINNY2, WHINNY3,
whistl1, whistl2, whistl3, whistl4, wind.
Aussie Samples #2
Previously AUS20. More sound samples.
cartoon-coyote, alf, Audience, bass, blood, bodyblow, comeon,
deepvoice1, deepvoice2, dum-b-dum, dynamic, eristein, gameover,
getvideo, go, haaa, hey2, heyhey, Hip-Hip, Laugh, Laugh1, laugh2,
laugh3, Leader, liveanddirect, loser, madlord, maxx, network23,
notimportant ouch1, Owwwh, pumpupvolume, readytoattak, robotvoice,
running, savagedeath, sexycomputer, somebodyscream, thesavage, the_duel,
thisis, tied-up, warning2, Wee, welcome, whoithell, woman-aahh, woorgh,
YaskMe, yeah, yodelsound.
Aussie Samples #3
More sound samples.
a hero, another sword clang, argh, arghalopa, bang argh, bark, bell,
boing, boingggg, bong, bounce, bubling lava, burning fire, captain
caveman! car skid, clink, clunk, crowd, dead or alive, dont beleive me,
door opening, dumdumdumdum, enemy, enter name, get ready for a suprise,
girl screaming, gogogo, good evening australia, good night, growl,
hahaha, haheha, halt stranger, heroine, hiargh, howl, im derryn hinch,
in hall fame, jump, laser, lion1, nasty laugh, no lapking, plane
landing, police siren, present, psew, rattings, robocop, rolling barrel,
select, shame, shoot&reload, sludge, somthing dropped, splat, splish,
sword block, television, thats life, the demo, thumping ground,
tightening rope, uh oh, welcome to mars, who am i? yeah1, yougotit.
Aussie Samples #4
More assorted sams and instruments from Australia.
in, in2, Bass+Voice1, Bass1, Bass2, Bass3, Bassdrum1, Drums1, Guitar1,
Orchest1, Snaredrum1, Strings1, Strings2, Synth1, Synth2, Synth3,
Synth4, Synth5, Synth6, Trumpets1, Weird.
Ahhh!! Airplane, Aliens1, Bell, Boing, CarCrash, Carengine,
CarIgnition, CarIgnition2, Carskid, Cat, Cough, DrumFinal, DrumRoll,
Explosion1, Food, Funny1, Gethim, GO! Hurt1, Hurt2, Hurt3, Jet,
MachineGun, MachineGun2, MonsterMoan, Oooo! Plopp, Redalert, Rocket1,
Shoot1, Shoot2, Sneeze, Something Thrown, Space Ship Engine1,
SPORTSCARengine, SquashedV8engine, Weird1, Weird2, Weird3, Womanscream,