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Assassin's The Ultimate Games CD Number 1
Below is the contents for the first Assassin CD published by Weird Science. This contained games under the following categories; Arcade, Board Games, Card Games, Misc, Puzzle and Shoot Ups.
The SEUCK games on the Assassin's Disk 1 do not load automatically on the CD32. It is possible to play these games on the CD32 by re-booting the Cd32. This can be done by holding both mouse buttons down and selecting the "Original Chipset" from the menu. This will mean that not all the buttons on CD32 controller will work but will enable you play the SEUK games.
The SEUCK games on the Assassin's Disk 1 do not load automatically on the CD32. It is possible to play these games on the CD32 by re-booting the Cd32. This can be done by holding both mouse buttons down and selecting the "Original Chipset" from the menu. This will mean that not all the buttons on CD32 controller will work but will enable you play the SEUK games.
Assassins CD1 Catalogue Arcade Games
DMAZE - Simple little 3d maze game
AIRHOCKEY - The classic air cushion hockey game
AIRMANIA - Arcade air action game
ALIENFRENZY - Multi level Alien shoot up
AMIGANOID - Arcade version of the classic asteroids
AMOSFRUIT - Fruit machine simulator
AMOS_COINDROP - Amos fruit machine simulator
AMOS_DEFENCE - Vertical space age shoot up
AMOS_REBOUND - Another version Breakout Clone
APPLEHUNT - Boulderdash style hunting game
ARCADE_DEFENDER - Clone of the classic defender game
ARCADIA - Another version Breakout Clone
ASSAULT - Arcade style operation wolf game
ATOM_SMASHER - Maze and bomb game
AUTOMOBILES - Car racing game
BALDERSGROVE - A boulderdash
BALDY - Tricky platform game
BALLOONACY - Great little game knocking down buildings
BALLYII - Adictive draw the box and paint the screen
BATDOG - Arcade platform action game
BATTLECARS - 3D car battle game
BATTLECARSII - 3D car battle game
BATTLEMENTS - Clone of the classic HunchBack game
BATTLEPONG - Arcade ping pong type of game
BATTLESHIPS - Two player battleship game
BATTLESHIPS_ASI - The ASSASSINS present an all time classic
BATTLEZONE - Arcade tank battle game
BEETLE - Leap frogging squares and counter game
BEE_BOP - Tricky platform game
BIGWILL - Cute arcade style plattform game
BILL - Excellent Snooker/Crazy golf game!
BILLIARDS - Amiga version of the classic game
BILLYBURGLAR - Cute little platform game
BLACK DAWN 94 - A dungeon & dragon style game
BLACKDAWN - A dungeon & dragon style game
BLOAD_RUNNER - Classic little platform style game
BLOB_A_BLOB - Arcade level jumping game
BLOCKSTER - Classic break out style game
BLOODBALL - Great little computer football type game
BOBSGARDER - Clone of a Mr Do platform game
BOMBER_2000 - Clone of the defender shoot up game
BOMBJACKY - Clone of the classic Bomb Jack Arcade hit
BOMBPAC_AGA - AGA version of PacMan
BOMB_CLEAR - mine clearing style of game
BOMB_MANIAC - Bomb dodging game
BOOMERANG - little game with missiles that return...
BOUNCENBLAST - Arcade style platform game
BOUNDER - Arcade level jumping game (leaping larry)
BUBBLETROUBLE - Bubble bursting arcade blaster
BUCKTOOTH_BOB - Arcade platform with jungle Gfx
CARWARS - Arcade car battle type game
CAVEFLIGHT - Arcade space ship guidance game
CAVE_RUN - Boulderdash / Emerald mines clone
CAVE_RUNNER - Boulderdash / Emerald mines clone
CHUTE - Parachute Jousting game
CITY - Missile defence style game
COMMANDO_RAID - Jungle setting Arcade shoot up
CONVOY - Collect the tokens before been blown up
COOKIE - Cunning food making / shoot up game
COPPER - Break out clone
COURLI - Cunning Arcade puzzle colour matching game
COWWARS - Wierd type of artillerus shooting game
CRAVE - Good 2 player tank battle. Super graphics
CRAZYPIPES - Pipe building game
CRAZYSUE - Cute little arcade style platform game
CRICKET - Arcade version of sports simulator
CROAK - Classic leap frog style game
CRUNCHMAN - Clone of the popular Pacman game
CUBUS - Tetris game for brains as big as a planet
DANMARK - Boulderdash clone
DEADLINE - Arcade style hunting / chasing game
DEATHSTALKER - Arcade platform game
DELUXE_GALAGA_II - V.good arcade galaxian style game
DEMOLITION - Nice game where you have to flatten buildings
DEMON - Arcade platform game
DEMONS_DOMAIN - Arcade maze / platform game
DENVER_DUCK - Arcade block moving puzzle game
DESERT_STORM - Shoot em up game set in the desert
DIAMONDS - Clone of boulderdash / Emerald mines games
DIGGERS - Clone of the classic Dig Dug arcade game
DIGITAL_TETRIS - Clone of the popular Tetris game
DODGE_EM - Classic drive round
DOGFIGHT - One on one aircraft action game
DOODY - Arcade platform similar to Mario Bros
DOWNHILL_CHALLENGE - Ski run simulator
DOZERDEMO - Demo of Arcade block moving game
DR WHO - Arcade style survival game
DRIP - Paint the pipes but avoid the nasties!
DRIVE - Arcade car driving game
DUNGEONFLIPPER - Arcade version of Pinball table game
DUNGEON_DELVER - Arcade platform / puzzle game
DYNAMITE_WARRIORS - Four player bomb / maze game
EGYPTIAN_RUN - Arcade style survival game set in Egypt
ELECTREK - Arcade style Electric circuit puzzle game
ELEVATION - Climb the platforms to reach you lover game
ELEVATION_II - Update of the Orig. Platform climbing game
ENTITY - Arcade Vector graphic defence game
EOMS - 3D vector graphic hunting game
ESCAPADE - Clone of the classic breakout game
ESCAPE - Frantic arcade race n chase game
ESCAPE_II - More fast & frantic arcade racing action
EWYS - Arcade version of the classic minefield game
FIGHT! - Arcade clone of Ping Pong (2 player game)
FIGHTING_WARRIORS - Arcade karate fighting game
FLEUCH - Clone of the old C64 thrust game
FLEUCHII - Nostalgia for old C64ers. Like Thrust
FRUITMACHINE - Arcade style Fruitmachine Simulator game
FRUITPANIC - Arcade action style fruit collecting game
FRUITSALAD - Arcade platform action game
FUSECUTT - Arcade mine defusing game
GF2 - Clone of the old thrust game V.good clone
GIDDYS_WORLD - Platform jumping and collecting game
GIGAR_TETRIS_AGA - V.Good AGA only tetris clone
GRAVATTACK - Arcade style gravity defying game
GRAVITY-FORCE - Clone of the old thrust type game
GREEN_FIVE - Arcade platform / adventure
GRIDRUNNER - Centipede style shooting game
GX200 - Space age arcade blaster
HBALL - Clone of the classic Breakout game
HOTBLOX - Arcade block puzzle type game
HYDRO_ZONE - V.good clone of the Star Wars game
HYPERBALL - 2 Player arcade Ping Pong game
HYPERDRIVE - Space age tunnel racing game
INTRUDERALERT - Arcade maze blasting game
JELLYQUEST - Arcade style platform / puzzle game
JETSET_BILLY - Clone of the Jetset Willy spectrum game
JONAS - Arcade platform collecting game
JUMPING JACK - Arcade style platform game
JUMPNROLL - Clone of the Trail Blazer game
KARCHAMP - Karate fighting arcade game
KART - GoKart racing game
KASEJAGD - Mouse and cheese platform game
KASTLEKUMQUAT - Arcade platform / puzzle game
KILLER_TOMATOES - Avoid the tomatoes
KLAWZ - Arcade platform / ladder game
KUNGFU_CHARLIES - Arcade karate platform game
LAST_TETRIS - Good arcade version of tetris game
LEAP2 - Arcade platform jumping game
LEEDINGS - Arcade style lemmings puzzle game
LIGHTCYCLES - Clone of the Tron light cycle game
LOADSAMONEY - Arcade fruit machine simulator
LOOTY - Arcade platform / ladder game
MADBOMBERII - Bomb catching game
MADFACTORY - Arcade style platform and ladder game
MAMBAMOVE - Snake in maze arcade game
MATCHPATCH - Arcade platform action game
MATRIXBLASTER - Tron light cycle style game
MAZEMAN - Clone of the classic Pac Man game
MEGABALL - Classic arcade breakout game version 1
MEGABALL2 - An updated version of this breakout clone
MEGABALL3 - Clone of breakout with even more levels etc
MEGABLOCK - Arcade clone of Tetris style puzzle game
MEGABLOCKII - Update of megablock with improved Gfx
METALLICA - Demo version of a good Tetris clone
METOGRASP - Space age 3D vector gfx shootup
MINERUNNER - Clone of the classic lode runner game
MINES_OUT - Arcade minefield clearing game
MI_REBOUND - Horizontal breakout type game
MONACO - Arcade car racing game
MOOSEDRIVE - Arcade car racing game (demo)
MOTOROLA_AGA - AGA version of space invaders game
MOUTHMAN - A clone of the popular Pac Man game
MUCUS - Arcade platform puzzle game
MUTANT_PENGUIN - Arcade maze / block moving game
NAUTILUS - Spaceship / cave guiding game
NIBBY - Centipede style maze collecting game V.good
NIRVANA - Arcade platform dodging game
OPERATION_LEMMING - Arcade lemmings blasting game
ORB_IT - Clone of the popular breakout style game
ORKATTACK - Arcade style castle defending game
OUCH! - Arcade version of egg bashing game
OVERLANDER - Arcade jeep jumping / shooting game
PACCER - A clone of the old favorite Pac Man
PACMAN - Another version of this popular game
PACMAN87 - A good clone of the classic Pac Man
PACMAN92 - More of the same with bigger & better gfx
PACSIM - Clone of Pac Man game
PAJA - Arcade style puzzle game
PARANOID - A clone of the break out game
PARA_HEMMOT - Arcade shoot up type game
PENGO_II - Arcade maze & block moving game
PIPELINE - Pipe building game
PIPELINER - Connect pipes keep the water flowing
PIPE_MASTER - Pipe building puzzle game
PIXIE_KINGDOM - Arcade platform puzzle game
POING - Arcade version of the old bat & ball game
POPCORN - Arcade maze puzzle game
POPEYE - A clone of the classic Arcade platform game
POTATO - Arcade collecting type game
POWER_TETRIS_DEMO - Demo of an arcade tetris game
PREMIERPICKS - Arcade / puzzle / strat football game
PUB_DARTS - A good version of classic darts game
PUNTER - Arcade horse racing
PUSH - Arcade block moving game
QBIC - Arcade block colour jumping game
QUASI - Arcade version of Hunch back game
RACINGMANIACS - V.good 3D racing game
RATTLESNAKE - Helicopter dueling game
REBOUND - A clone of the classic ping pong game
REJECTION - Arcade ping pong variation
RESCUE - Arcade tunnel / cave guiding game
REVOLUTION - Arcade grid puzzle type game
ROACHMOTEL - Arcade platform / ladder game
ROBOTREB - Arcade platform collecting type game
ROBOULDIX - A clone of the popular boulderdash game
ROLL_ON - Arcade boulderdash type game
ROME - Arcade puzzle type game
RUBBER - Arcade platform and ladder game
RUNNINGGAME - Arcade puzzle type game
RUSHHOUR - Clone of the frogger type game
SANTA - Arcade collecting / shoot up game
SATU - Arcade puzzle type game
SCORCHEDTANKS - Multi player tank blasting game
SCORCHED_TANKS_V1.75 - Update of the original tank game
SCOT_FOOTBALL - Arcade football strat type game
SHORT_OUT - Bomb defusing puzzle game
SICKBALL2 - Arcade version of the ping pong game
SIMPLE_SIMON - Arcade colour matching game
SKIDMARKS - Arcade demo of car racing game
SKY.BLITZ - Bomb the tower blocks
SLOTCARS - Arcade maze car racing game
SMIDGEDEMO - demo of cute Arcade scrolling game
SNACKMAN - A clone of the old Pac Man type game
SNAKE - Arcade centipede tron type game
SNAKEPIT - Arcade tron style game
SNIFBURK - Gruesome arcade ZIT blasting game
SOLAR_LORDS - Arcade strat game
SPACE_RESCUE - Arcade cave and tunnel game
SPACE_TAXI - Arcade platform taxi driving game
SPITFIRE - Arcade Shoot em up blasting game
SPLASH - 2 player battle ship type game
SPRINGCHALLENGE - Arcade sport simulator
STEWARDS_ENQUIRY - Arcade horse racing game
STREET_SPEED - Vector graphic racing game
STRIKEBALL - Arcade baseball game
SUMMERCHALLENGE - Arcade sport simulator
SUPERPONG - 2 player Arcade Ping Pong game
SUPERPONGII - Updated version of Ping Pong
SUPERSKODA - Arcade car racing game
SUPER_FRUIT - Fruit machine simulator
SUPER_OBLITERATION - Arcade shoot up game
SURROUND - 2 Player Arcade centipede game
SYS - Arcade maze and collect game
TANKHUNTER - 2 player Arcade shoot up game
TANXNSTUFF - 4 player Arcade tank hunting game
TEMPERSTORM - Vector graphic defence game
TETRIS_DUEL_AGA - Aga 2 player Tetris game
THE BIG GAME - Assassins fruit machine simulator
THE_RACE - Arcade sports racing game
THRUSTDUEL - 2 Player space dog fight
THUNDERTRON - Tron light cycle clone game
THUNDERTRONII - Update of the first version
TOADO - Demo of a Classic frogger game
TOYBOX - Arcade block puzzle type game
TO_THE_DEATH_AGA - AGA demo of a Karate fight game
TRAILBLAZER - Ball jumping race game
TRANSPLANT - Asteroids style arcade blaster
TRAX - Arcade puzzle game
TRICK_OR_TREAT - Arcade maze chase game
TRON - Clone of the original light cycle game
TRON_GAME - Light cycle game
TSCH - Arcade space age collecting game
TUMBLING_TOTS - Arcade bouncing baby catching game
TURBODUEL - 3D vector graphic tank battle
TURBOHOCKEY - Arcade ping pong style game
TURBOTHRUST - Arcade tunnel racing game
T_REZ - Arcade shoot up type game
UGGO - Arcade shoot up game
ULTRABALL - Clone of a break out type game
USA94 - Arcade football strat type game
VECTOR_BATTLE - Tank battle game
VIPER - Arcade shoot up type game
VOLLEYBALL - Arcade version of ping pong
VSTANKS - Arcade maze tank battle
WACKMAN - A version of Pac Man
WACKYRABBITS - Arcade collecting dodging game
WAGGLEMANIA - Joystick testing game
WAR - Arcade style strat game
WARHEADS - Tron light cycle type game
WAYNESPONG - Arcade ping pong with sampled sounds
WHEELCHAIRS - Sick Arcade beat em up game
WILLY - Arcade platform style game
WINNING_POST_DEMO - Demo of fruit machine simulator
WIZARDS_DOMAIN - Arcade platform puzzle game
WIZZYS_QUEST - Arcade platform puzzle game
WONDERLAND - Cute arcade platform style game
WORLDDARTS - Arcade version of darts game
XFI - Clone of the light cycle game
XMASTIME - Arcade platform collecting game
YACHTING - Arcade sailing simulator
YELP - Arcade screen painting game
ZERBERK - Arcade maze shoot up game
ZILLO - Arcade platform style game
ZOMBIEII AGA - Gruesome arcade shoot up game
AIRHOCKEY - The classic air cushion hockey game
AIRMANIA - Arcade air action game
ALIENFRENZY - Multi level Alien shoot up
AMIGANOID - Arcade version of the classic asteroids
AMOSFRUIT - Fruit machine simulator
AMOS_COINDROP - Amos fruit machine simulator
AMOS_DEFENCE - Vertical space age shoot up
AMOS_REBOUND - Another version Breakout Clone
APPLEHUNT - Boulderdash style hunting game
ARCADE_DEFENDER - Clone of the classic defender game
ARCADIA - Another version Breakout Clone
ASSAULT - Arcade style operation wolf game
ATOM_SMASHER - Maze and bomb game
AUTOMOBILES - Car racing game
BALDERSGROVE - A boulderdash
BALDY - Tricky platform game
BALLOONACY - Great little game knocking down buildings
BALLYII - Adictive draw the box and paint the screen
BATDOG - Arcade platform action game
BATTLECARS - 3D car battle game
BATTLECARSII - 3D car battle game
BATTLEMENTS - Clone of the classic HunchBack game
BATTLEPONG - Arcade ping pong type of game
BATTLESHIPS - Two player battleship game
BATTLESHIPS_ASI - The ASSASSINS present an all time classic
BATTLEZONE - Arcade tank battle game
BEETLE - Leap frogging squares and counter game
BEE_BOP - Tricky platform game
BIGWILL - Cute arcade style plattform game
BILL - Excellent Snooker/Crazy golf game!
BILLIARDS - Amiga version of the classic game
BILLYBURGLAR - Cute little platform game
BLACK DAWN 94 - A dungeon & dragon style game
BLACKDAWN - A dungeon & dragon style game
BLOAD_RUNNER - Classic little platform style game
BLOB_A_BLOB - Arcade level jumping game
BLOCKSTER - Classic break out style game
BLOODBALL - Great little computer football type game
BOBSGARDER - Clone of a Mr Do platform game
BOMBER_2000 - Clone of the defender shoot up game
BOMBJACKY - Clone of the classic Bomb Jack Arcade hit
BOMBPAC_AGA - AGA version of PacMan
BOMB_CLEAR - mine clearing style of game
BOMB_MANIAC - Bomb dodging game
BOOMERANG - little game with missiles that return...
BOUNCENBLAST - Arcade style platform game
BOUNDER - Arcade level jumping game (leaping larry)
BUBBLETROUBLE - Bubble bursting arcade blaster
BUCKTOOTH_BOB - Arcade platform with jungle Gfx
CARWARS - Arcade car battle type game
CAVEFLIGHT - Arcade space ship guidance game
CAVE_RUN - Boulderdash / Emerald mines clone
CAVE_RUNNER - Boulderdash / Emerald mines clone
CHUTE - Parachute Jousting game
CITY - Missile defence style game
COMMANDO_RAID - Jungle setting Arcade shoot up
CONVOY - Collect the tokens before been blown up
COOKIE - Cunning food making / shoot up game
COPPER - Break out clone
COURLI - Cunning Arcade puzzle colour matching game
COWWARS - Wierd type of artillerus shooting game
CRAVE - Good 2 player tank battle. Super graphics
CRAZYPIPES - Pipe building game
CRAZYSUE - Cute little arcade style platform game
CRICKET - Arcade version of sports simulator
CROAK - Classic leap frog style game
CRUNCHMAN - Clone of the popular Pacman game
CUBUS - Tetris game for brains as big as a planet
DANMARK - Boulderdash clone
DEADLINE - Arcade style hunting / chasing game
DEATHSTALKER - Arcade platform game
DELUXE_GALAGA_II - V.good arcade galaxian style game
DEMOLITION - Nice game where you have to flatten buildings
DEMON - Arcade platform game
DEMONS_DOMAIN - Arcade maze / platform game
DENVER_DUCK - Arcade block moving puzzle game
DESERT_STORM - Shoot em up game set in the desert
DIAMONDS - Clone of boulderdash / Emerald mines games
DIGGERS - Clone of the classic Dig Dug arcade game
DIGITAL_TETRIS - Clone of the popular Tetris game
DODGE_EM - Classic drive round
DOGFIGHT - One on one aircraft action game
DOODY - Arcade platform similar to Mario Bros
DOWNHILL_CHALLENGE - Ski run simulator
DOZERDEMO - Demo of Arcade block moving game
DR WHO - Arcade style survival game
DRIP - Paint the pipes but avoid the nasties!
DRIVE - Arcade car driving game
DUNGEONFLIPPER - Arcade version of Pinball table game
DUNGEON_DELVER - Arcade platform / puzzle game
DYNAMITE_WARRIORS - Four player bomb / maze game
EGYPTIAN_RUN - Arcade style survival game set in Egypt
ELECTREK - Arcade style Electric circuit puzzle game
ELEVATION - Climb the platforms to reach you lover game
ELEVATION_II - Update of the Orig. Platform climbing game
ENTITY - Arcade Vector graphic defence game
EOMS - 3D vector graphic hunting game
ESCAPADE - Clone of the classic breakout game
ESCAPE - Frantic arcade race n chase game
ESCAPE_II - More fast & frantic arcade racing action
EWYS - Arcade version of the classic minefield game
FIGHT! - Arcade clone of Ping Pong (2 player game)
FIGHTING_WARRIORS - Arcade karate fighting game
FLEUCH - Clone of the old C64 thrust game
FLEUCHII - Nostalgia for old C64ers. Like Thrust
FRUITMACHINE - Arcade style Fruitmachine Simulator game
FRUITPANIC - Arcade action style fruit collecting game
FRUITSALAD - Arcade platform action game
FUSECUTT - Arcade mine defusing game
GF2 - Clone of the old thrust game V.good clone
GIDDYS_WORLD - Platform jumping and collecting game
GIGAR_TETRIS_AGA - V.Good AGA only tetris clone
GRAVATTACK - Arcade style gravity defying game
GRAVITY-FORCE - Clone of the old thrust type game
GREEN_FIVE - Arcade platform / adventure
GRIDRUNNER - Centipede style shooting game
GX200 - Space age arcade blaster
HBALL - Clone of the classic Breakout game
HOTBLOX - Arcade block puzzle type game
HYDRO_ZONE - V.good clone of the Star Wars game
HYPERBALL - 2 Player arcade Ping Pong game
HYPERDRIVE - Space age tunnel racing game
INTRUDERALERT - Arcade maze blasting game
JELLYQUEST - Arcade style platform / puzzle game
JETSET_BILLY - Clone of the Jetset Willy spectrum game
JONAS - Arcade platform collecting game
JUMPING JACK - Arcade style platform game
JUMPNROLL - Clone of the Trail Blazer game
KARCHAMP - Karate fighting arcade game
KART - GoKart racing game
KASEJAGD - Mouse and cheese platform game
KASTLEKUMQUAT - Arcade platform / puzzle game
KILLER_TOMATOES - Avoid the tomatoes
KLAWZ - Arcade platform / ladder game
KUNGFU_CHARLIES - Arcade karate platform game
LAST_TETRIS - Good arcade version of tetris game
LEAP2 - Arcade platform jumping game
LEEDINGS - Arcade style lemmings puzzle game
LIGHTCYCLES - Clone of the Tron light cycle game
LOADSAMONEY - Arcade fruit machine simulator
LOOTY - Arcade platform / ladder game
MADBOMBERII - Bomb catching game
MADFACTORY - Arcade style platform and ladder game
MAMBAMOVE - Snake in maze arcade game
MATCHPATCH - Arcade platform action game
MATRIXBLASTER - Tron light cycle style game
MAZEMAN - Clone of the classic Pac Man game
MEGABALL - Classic arcade breakout game version 1
MEGABALL2 - An updated version of this breakout clone
MEGABALL3 - Clone of breakout with even more levels etc
MEGABLOCK - Arcade clone of Tetris style puzzle game
MEGABLOCKII - Update of megablock with improved Gfx
METALLICA - Demo version of a good Tetris clone
METOGRASP - Space age 3D vector gfx shootup
MINERUNNER - Clone of the classic lode runner game
MINES_OUT - Arcade minefield clearing game
MI_REBOUND - Horizontal breakout type game
MONACO - Arcade car racing game
MOOSEDRIVE - Arcade car racing game (demo)
MOTOROLA_AGA - AGA version of space invaders game
MOUTHMAN - A clone of the popular Pac Man game
MUCUS - Arcade platform puzzle game
MUTANT_PENGUIN - Arcade maze / block moving game
NAUTILUS - Spaceship / cave guiding game
NIBBY - Centipede style maze collecting game V.good
NIRVANA - Arcade platform dodging game
OPERATION_LEMMING - Arcade lemmings blasting game
ORB_IT - Clone of the popular breakout style game
ORKATTACK - Arcade style castle defending game
OUCH! - Arcade version of egg bashing game
OVERLANDER - Arcade jeep jumping / shooting game
PACCER - A clone of the old favorite Pac Man
PACMAN - Another version of this popular game
PACMAN87 - A good clone of the classic Pac Man
PACMAN92 - More of the same with bigger & better gfx
PACSIM - Clone of Pac Man game
PAJA - Arcade style puzzle game
PARANOID - A clone of the break out game
PARA_HEMMOT - Arcade shoot up type game
PENGO_II - Arcade maze & block moving game
PIPELINE - Pipe building game
PIPELINER - Connect pipes keep the water flowing
PIPE_MASTER - Pipe building puzzle game
PIXIE_KINGDOM - Arcade platform puzzle game
POING - Arcade version of the old bat & ball game
POPCORN - Arcade maze puzzle game
POPEYE - A clone of the classic Arcade platform game
POTATO - Arcade collecting type game
POWER_TETRIS_DEMO - Demo of an arcade tetris game
PREMIERPICKS - Arcade / puzzle / strat football game
PUB_DARTS - A good version of classic darts game
PUNTER - Arcade horse racing
PUSH - Arcade block moving game
QBIC - Arcade block colour jumping game
QUASI - Arcade version of Hunch back game
RACINGMANIACS - V.good 3D racing game
RATTLESNAKE - Helicopter dueling game
REBOUND - A clone of the classic ping pong game
REJECTION - Arcade ping pong variation
RESCUE - Arcade tunnel / cave guiding game
REVOLUTION - Arcade grid puzzle type game
ROACHMOTEL - Arcade platform / ladder game
ROBOTREB - Arcade platform collecting type game
ROBOULDIX - A clone of the popular boulderdash game
ROLL_ON - Arcade boulderdash type game
ROME - Arcade puzzle type game
RUBBER - Arcade platform and ladder game
RUNNINGGAME - Arcade puzzle type game
RUSHHOUR - Clone of the frogger type game
SANTA - Arcade collecting / shoot up game
SATU - Arcade puzzle type game
SCORCHEDTANKS - Multi player tank blasting game
SCORCHED_TANKS_V1.75 - Update of the original tank game
SCOT_FOOTBALL - Arcade football strat type game
SHORT_OUT - Bomb defusing puzzle game
SICKBALL2 - Arcade version of the ping pong game
SIMPLE_SIMON - Arcade colour matching game
SKIDMARKS - Arcade demo of car racing game
SKY.BLITZ - Bomb the tower blocks
SLOTCARS - Arcade maze car racing game
SMIDGEDEMO - demo of cute Arcade scrolling game
SNACKMAN - A clone of the old Pac Man type game
SNAKE - Arcade centipede tron type game
SNAKEPIT - Arcade tron style game
SNIFBURK - Gruesome arcade ZIT blasting game
SOLAR_LORDS - Arcade strat game
SPACE_RESCUE - Arcade cave and tunnel game
SPACE_TAXI - Arcade platform taxi driving game
SPITFIRE - Arcade Shoot em up blasting game
SPLASH - 2 player battle ship type game
SPRINGCHALLENGE - Arcade sport simulator
STEWARDS_ENQUIRY - Arcade horse racing game
STREET_SPEED - Vector graphic racing game
STRIKEBALL - Arcade baseball game
SUMMERCHALLENGE - Arcade sport simulator
SUPERPONG - 2 player Arcade Ping Pong game
SUPERPONGII - Updated version of Ping Pong
SUPERSKODA - Arcade car racing game
SUPER_FRUIT - Fruit machine simulator
SUPER_OBLITERATION - Arcade shoot up game
SURROUND - 2 Player Arcade centipede game
SYS - Arcade maze and collect game
TANKHUNTER - 2 player Arcade shoot up game
TANXNSTUFF - 4 player Arcade tank hunting game
TEMPERSTORM - Vector graphic defence game
TETRIS_DUEL_AGA - Aga 2 player Tetris game
THE BIG GAME - Assassins fruit machine simulator
THE_RACE - Arcade sports racing game
THRUSTDUEL - 2 Player space dog fight
THUNDERTRON - Tron light cycle clone game
THUNDERTRONII - Update of the first version
TOADO - Demo of a Classic frogger game
TOYBOX - Arcade block puzzle type game
TO_THE_DEATH_AGA - AGA demo of a Karate fight game
TRAILBLAZER - Ball jumping race game
TRANSPLANT - Asteroids style arcade blaster
TRAX - Arcade puzzle game
TRICK_OR_TREAT - Arcade maze chase game
TRON - Clone of the original light cycle game
TRON_GAME - Light cycle game
TSCH - Arcade space age collecting game
TUMBLING_TOTS - Arcade bouncing baby catching game
TURBODUEL - 3D vector graphic tank battle
TURBOHOCKEY - Arcade ping pong style game
TURBOTHRUST - Arcade tunnel racing game
T_REZ - Arcade shoot up type game
UGGO - Arcade shoot up game
ULTRABALL - Clone of a break out type game
USA94 - Arcade football strat type game
VECTOR_BATTLE - Tank battle game
VIPER - Arcade shoot up type game
VOLLEYBALL - Arcade version of ping pong
VSTANKS - Arcade maze tank battle
WACKMAN - A version of Pac Man
WACKYRABBITS - Arcade collecting dodging game
WAGGLEMANIA - Joystick testing game
WAR - Arcade style strat game
WARHEADS - Tron light cycle type game
WAYNESPONG - Arcade ping pong with sampled sounds
WHEELCHAIRS - Sick Arcade beat em up game
WILLY - Arcade platform style game
WINNING_POST_DEMO - Demo of fruit machine simulator
WIZARDS_DOMAIN - Arcade platform puzzle game
WIZZYS_QUEST - Arcade platform puzzle game
WONDERLAND - Cute arcade platform style game
WORLDDARTS - Arcade version of darts game
XFI - Clone of the light cycle game
XMASTIME - Arcade platform collecting game
YACHTING - Arcade sailing simulator
YELP - Arcade screen painting game
ZERBERK - Arcade maze shoot up game
ZILLO - Arcade platform style game
ZOMBIEII AGA - Gruesome arcade shoot up game
Assassins CD1 Catalogue Board Games
3D_TICTACTOE - 3D oxo type of game
AMIGA_Q - Peg in board style of game
BABYLON - Game where the aim is to remove opp's pieces
BACKGAMMON - Classic backgammon game
BACKGAMMON_1.3 - Update and improved Backgammon clone
BACKGAMMON_DELUXE - Excellent copy of the classic Backgammon.
CHECKERS - Classical checkers game
CHECKERS_CONQUEST - Checkers / draughts game
CHECKER_BOARD - Another checkers variation
CHESSII - Classic chess game
CHINESE_CHECKERS - A version of the classic chinese checkers
CHINE_CHALLENGEII - V.good clone of classic Tile matching game
CLUE - Clone of the classic Cluedo game
CRIBMASTER - Clone of the classic Crib game
DAMA - Similar looking to Checkers but funny rules
DICE-O - Yachtze clone
DOMINOS - Now you can play Dominos on the Amiga
DRAGON_TILES - Good clone of the classic Tile matching game
GNU_CHESS - Clone of CHESS game with tutorials etc
GO_MOKU - A board version of 5 in a row
HOSER_BACKGAMMON - Clone of the popular Backgammon game
HUSKER_DU - Colour / pattern matching game
IMPERIAL - Clone of Dragon Tiles. Tile matching game
KAMIKAZICHESS - Chess game where the objective is to lose.
LEAPFROG - Leapfrog counters in rotation to clear board
LINGO - Letter / word puzzle game
LORD_OF_HOSTS - Varaition of a checkers game
MOSAIC - Very addictive little number puzzle game
OCTOTHELLO - A variation of the classic Othello game
PARANOIDS - Ludo style of board game
PARCHEESE - Clone of the classic parcheese board game
POKER_SQUARES - Yachtze style game played with cards
QUINZEE - A variation of the Yahtze style game
RAGS-TO-RICHES - A board game played similar to monopoly
REVERSI_V1.0 - Classic othello style game
REVERSI_V2.0 - Update of the classic othello style game
ROULETTE - Popular gambling game on the Amiga
SCRABBLE - Clone of the popular word forming game
SEIGE_OF_THE_BEAST - A variant of the Chess game with BADDIES
SHANGHAI_93 - Clone of Dragon Tiles. Tile matching game
SORRY - Another game similar in style to Ludo
TILES - Clone of Dragon Tiles. Tile matching game
TRIPLE_YACHTZ - Clone of the ever popular game Yachtze
V_CHESS2 - Another clone of classic Chess
YACHC - Clone of the common game of Yachtze
YAHZEE - The ever popular game Yachtze
YATCY_AGA - Clone of Yachtze game for AGA machines
Z_CHECKERS - Simple little Checkers game
AMIGA_Q - Peg in board style of game
BABYLON - Game where the aim is to remove opp's pieces
BACKGAMMON - Classic backgammon game
BACKGAMMON_1.3 - Update and improved Backgammon clone
BACKGAMMON_DELUXE - Excellent copy of the classic Backgammon.
CHECKERS - Classical checkers game
CHECKERS_CONQUEST - Checkers / draughts game
CHECKER_BOARD - Another checkers variation
CHESSII - Classic chess game
CHINESE_CHECKERS - A version of the classic chinese checkers
CHINE_CHALLENGEII - V.good clone of classic Tile matching game
CLUE - Clone of the classic Cluedo game
CRIBMASTER - Clone of the classic Crib game
DAMA - Similar looking to Checkers but funny rules
DICE-O - Yachtze clone
DOMINOS - Now you can play Dominos on the Amiga
DRAGON_TILES - Good clone of the classic Tile matching game
GNU_CHESS - Clone of CHESS game with tutorials etc
GO_MOKU - A board version of 5 in a row
HOSER_BACKGAMMON - Clone of the popular Backgammon game
HUSKER_DU - Colour / pattern matching game
IMPERIAL - Clone of Dragon Tiles. Tile matching game
KAMIKAZICHESS - Chess game where the objective is to lose.
LEAPFROG - Leapfrog counters in rotation to clear board
LINGO - Letter / word puzzle game
LORD_OF_HOSTS - Varaition of a checkers game
MOSAIC - Very addictive little number puzzle game
OCTOTHELLO - A variation of the classic Othello game
PARANOIDS - Ludo style of board game
PARCHEESE - Clone of the classic parcheese board game
POKER_SQUARES - Yachtze style game played with cards
QUINZEE - A variation of the Yahtze style game
RAGS-TO-RICHES - A board game played similar to monopoly
REVERSI_V1.0 - Classic othello style game
REVERSI_V2.0 - Update of the classic othello style game
ROULETTE - Popular gambling game on the Amiga
SCRABBLE - Clone of the popular word forming game
SEIGE_OF_THE_BEAST - A variant of the Chess game with BADDIES
SHANGHAI_93 - Clone of Dragon Tiles. Tile matching game
SORRY - Another game similar in style to Ludo
TILES - Clone of Dragon Tiles. Tile matching game
TRIPLE_YACHTZ - Clone of the ever popular game Yachtze
V_CHESS2 - Another clone of classic Chess
YACHC - Clone of the common game of Yachtze
YAHZEE - The ever popular game Yachtze
YATCY_AGA - Clone of Yachtze game for AGA machines
Z_CHECKERS - Simple little Checkers game
Assassins CD1 Catalogue Card Games
31_CARDS - A variation of the solitaire style Card game
40_THIEVES - A solitaire style Card game
AMIGA_COLUMNS - Clone of the classic solitaire Card game
AMOS_BLACKJACK - Amos Pontoon Card game
BLACKJACK - Pontoon style Card game
BLACKJACKLAB - Clone of classic Pontoon Card game
BLUEMOON - One of those Patience style Card games
BRIDGE - Classical Card game
CARDGAMES - Compilation of different Card games
CARDS_O_RAMA - Compilation of different Card games
CHALLENGER_QUIZ - Card based Question & Answer game
CLASSIC_SOLITAIRE - Classical one player Card game
CLIFFHANGER - Question & Answer game
CRIBMASTER - Classic Card game
D-SOLVE - Crossword puzzle game
DRAWCARDS - Card game based around that classic
EXCELLENTCARDS - Compilation of different Card games
GAMBLERS_SOLITAIRE - Clone of classic Card game
HARP - A variation on the solitaire style Card game
HEARTS - A variation of the Solitaire style Card game
HI_AND_LOW - Guess the card sequence type Card game
HOLLYWOOD_TRIVIA - Question & answer game based upon movies
JBPOKER - Clone of the classic Poker Card game
KINGHIGH - Another patience style Card game
KING_KORNER - Another Solitaire style Card game
KLONDIKE - Clone of Classic Patience Card game
KLONDIKE_AGA - Patience style game for AGA machines
MATCHCARDS - Memory testing Card matching game
MONTANA1.2 - Single player patience Card Game
NAMEGAME - Quiz game based around famous names
NESTOR - Classic card game
PATIENCE - Clone of the Classic Patience Card game
PLAIT - A variation of a solitaire game
POKER_SQUARES - Classic Poker style Card game
PONTOON - Classic Card game
POPQUIZ - Question & Answer game based upon music
POWER_POKER - Another Classic Poker style Card game
PROKER - Clone of the classic Poker Card game
QUEENS - Card game similar to solitaire
QUIZMASTERII - Question & Answer game
REDDWARF_QUIZ - Question & Answer game based on the TV prog
RUEDA - Clone of the Classic MasterMind game
RUMMY - Card game based upon this classic game
SEAHAVEN - Another Card game along the patience theme
SEAHAVEN_TOWERS - Variation of Solitaire Card game
SHOOT_PONTOON - Clone of the classic Card game Pontoon
SOLITAIRE_GOLF - A good version of a solitaire card game
SOLITAIRE_SAMPLER - Sample program of an excellent Card game
SPADES - Card game along the theme of solitaire
STREETSALLEYS - Another patience styleCard game
TREK_TRIVIA - Question & Answer game based upon STAR TREK
TUTS_TOMB - Patience type of Card game
ULTIMATE_QUIZ - Question & Answer game...various catagories
VIDEOPOKER - Clone of the classic POKER Card game
WALLYS_SOLITAIRE - Solitaire style Card game
WHITELION - Matching the pairs of cards game
WOTS_ITS_NAME - Hangman style word guessing gam
40_THIEVES - A solitaire style Card game
AMIGA_COLUMNS - Clone of the classic solitaire Card game
AMOS_BLACKJACK - Amos Pontoon Card game
BLACKJACK - Pontoon style Card game
BLACKJACKLAB - Clone of classic Pontoon Card game
BLUEMOON - One of those Patience style Card games
BRIDGE - Classical Card game
CARDGAMES - Compilation of different Card games
CARDS_O_RAMA - Compilation of different Card games
CHALLENGER_QUIZ - Card based Question & Answer game
CLASSIC_SOLITAIRE - Classical one player Card game
CLIFFHANGER - Question & Answer game
CRIBMASTER - Classic Card game
D-SOLVE - Crossword puzzle game
DRAWCARDS - Card game based around that classic
EXCELLENTCARDS - Compilation of different Card games
GAMBLERS_SOLITAIRE - Clone of classic Card game
HARP - A variation on the solitaire style Card game
HEARTS - A variation of the Solitaire style Card game
HI_AND_LOW - Guess the card sequence type Card game
HOLLYWOOD_TRIVIA - Question & answer game based upon movies
JBPOKER - Clone of the classic Poker Card game
KINGHIGH - Another patience style Card game
KING_KORNER - Another Solitaire style Card game
KLONDIKE - Clone of Classic Patience Card game
KLONDIKE_AGA - Patience style game for AGA machines
MATCHCARDS - Memory testing Card matching game
MONTANA1.2 - Single player patience Card Game
NAMEGAME - Quiz game based around famous names
NESTOR - Classic card game
PATIENCE - Clone of the Classic Patience Card game
PLAIT - A variation of a solitaire game
POKER_SQUARES - Classic Poker style Card game
PONTOON - Classic Card game
POPQUIZ - Question & Answer game based upon music
POWER_POKER - Another Classic Poker style Card game
PROKER - Clone of the classic Poker Card game
QUEENS - Card game similar to solitaire
QUIZMASTERII - Question & Answer game
REDDWARF_QUIZ - Question & Answer game based on the TV prog
RUEDA - Clone of the Classic MasterMind game
RUMMY - Card game based upon this classic game
SEAHAVEN - Another Card game along the patience theme
SEAHAVEN_TOWERS - Variation of Solitaire Card game
SHOOT_PONTOON - Clone of the classic Card game Pontoon
SOLITAIRE_GOLF - A good version of a solitaire card game
SOLITAIRE_SAMPLER - Sample program of an excellent Card game
SPADES - Card game along the theme of solitaire
STREETSALLEYS - Another patience styleCard game
TREK_TRIVIA - Question & Answer game based upon STAR TREK
TUTS_TOMB - Patience type of Card game
ULTIMATE_QUIZ - Question & Answer game...various catagories
VIDEOPOKER - Clone of the classic POKER Card game
WALLYS_SOLITAIRE - Solitaire style Card game
WHITELION - Matching the pairs of cards game
WOTS_ITS_NAME - Hangman style word guessing gam
Assassins CD1 Catalogue Misc Games
ADVENTURE - Text adventure.
AIR TRAFFIC - You take the part of the air traffic controler. Try to get thos
AIR WARRIOR - Flight simulator.
ARCTURUS - Adventure/Boardgame. Explore the secret solar system of arcturu
BATTLE OF BRITAIN - Strategy game based on the battle of britain.
BATTLESTAR - Classic adventure game of exploration
BOX - Text adventure.
BULLRUN - Strategy game based on the american civil war.
CALLISTO - Text adventure.
CAPITALS OF AMERICA - Educational game. Identify the capitals of each state in americ
CASTLE - Adventure puzzle game
CATACOMB - Graphical adventure.
CIRCUIT WARS - Create electrical circuits to defeat the other players.
COLONIAL CONQUEST - A space stratergy game to colonise the universe.
COLUMNS - Create a row of three or more blocks of the same colour. Blocks
CONQUEST & DOMINION - Strategy game
CROSSWORDS - Crossword creator. Contains a few crosswords already.
CRYSTAL - Text grapic adventure
CUBIK - Rubiks cube solver.
DALEKS - Try to kill all the daleks by getting them to crash into each o
DOT - Play it to find out
DUNGEON - Text adventure
ETHOS - Text adventure
EXORCISM - Text grapic adventure
FORTRESS - Try to conquer the world. Build up your armies then attack the
GALACTIC STRUGGLE -Space age Strategy game
GHOST SHIP - 3D adventure.
IMPERATOR - Start with a city and legion. Control the World
JACKLAND - Text adventure using people who where involved in the developme
KIDS MATCHIT - Match the shapes.
KIDS WORD PUZZLE - Word searches.
KNIGHTS - Two knights battle each other to complete each quest and escape
KNIGHTWOODE - Text grapic adventure
LARN - Text adventure.
LEARN TO COUNT - Learn your child to count.
LEGEND OF LOTHIAN - Graphical version of a role playing game.
LINES - Draw as many lines as you can for highest points
MATHS ADVENTURE - Solve the maths problems to escape each room in this adventure.
METEOR - Graphical adventure.
MICRO MARKET - Buy and sell shares in this stockmarket game.
MORIA - Role playing game. Build up your character to be able to surviv
MOUNT DOOM - Rescue the princess from sacrifice
NEW STUBB CITY - 3D constuction kit adventure.
PAIR IT - Match the shapes.
PETERS QUEST - A Platform game.
POWER WARS - Stratergy game of galactic struggles of good against evil.
RAIDER - Defend Galaxy from alien attack
RAISE TITANIC - 3D construction kit adventure to raise this famous ship.
REFLEX TEST - Try to answer these maths questions as quickly and accurately t
REMEBER IT - Match up the pictures
RETURN TO EARTH - Space trading game on the lines as elite.
SCHELOBERS QUEST - Help schelober find himself a girl.
SEALANCE - Subb similator
SIMONS COLOURS - Simon. Follow the colour sequence.
SNAP IT - Game of Snap on the computer
STAR TREK - Adventure game based on star trek.
STARBASE 13 - Graphic adventure Monkey island type
STORMLORDS - Strategy game
STRIP DOTS - Strip poker
STYLE - Match up the tiles
SUPER LEAGUE - Football management game.
TALKING ADVENTURE - A talking adventure.
TASK FORCE - Control your troops to complete each mission in this strategic
TEMPORAL MISPLACEMENT - Text grapic adventure
THE GALLOWS - Hangman.
THE SHEPHERD - Place the sheep to multiply
THE SUITCASE - Graphic adventure
THRALLBOUND - Text and Graphics adventure.
TIME WARP - Text adventure Find the time machine
TRAIN - Create your own electric train set.
TREASURE ISLAND - Text adventure
TREASURE SEARCH - Educational game using co-ordinates to find the treasure.
TU ADVENTURE - Talking adventure
TYPE OR DIE - Educational game to help the kids find thier way around the key
WANDERER - A boulderdash style game. Collect all the gems on each level.
WAR OF FOUR - Graphic adventure
WARGAME - Stratergy war game.
WASTELANDS - 3D construction kit adventure.
WIZARD WARS - Use your wizard powers to create demons to attack the other pla
WORD GAME - Guess the secret word
WORLD - Stratergy game.
ZERG - Role playing adventure. Travel the land from town to town fight
ZUTALORS - Role playing adventure.
AIR TRAFFIC - You take the part of the air traffic controler. Try to get thos
AIR WARRIOR - Flight simulator.
ARCTURUS - Adventure/Boardgame. Explore the secret solar system of arcturu
BATTLE OF BRITAIN - Strategy game based on the battle of britain.
BATTLESTAR - Classic adventure game of exploration
BOX - Text adventure.
BULLRUN - Strategy game based on the american civil war.
CALLISTO - Text adventure.
CAPITALS OF AMERICA - Educational game. Identify the capitals of each state in americ
CASTLE - Adventure puzzle game
CATACOMB - Graphical adventure.
CIRCUIT WARS - Create electrical circuits to defeat the other players.
COLONIAL CONQUEST - A space stratergy game to colonise the universe.
COLUMNS - Create a row of three or more blocks of the same colour. Blocks
CONQUEST & DOMINION - Strategy game
CROSSWORDS - Crossword creator. Contains a few crosswords already.
CRYSTAL - Text grapic adventure
CUBIK - Rubiks cube solver.
DALEKS - Try to kill all the daleks by getting them to crash into each o
DOT - Play it to find out
DUNGEON - Text adventure
ETHOS - Text adventure
EXORCISM - Text grapic adventure
FORTRESS - Try to conquer the world. Build up your armies then attack the
GALACTIC STRUGGLE -Space age Strategy game
GHOST SHIP - 3D adventure.
IMPERATOR - Start with a city and legion. Control the World
JACKLAND - Text adventure using people who where involved in the developme
KIDS MATCHIT - Match the shapes.
KIDS WORD PUZZLE - Word searches.
KNIGHTS - Two knights battle each other to complete each quest and escape
KNIGHTWOODE - Text grapic adventure
LARN - Text adventure.
LEARN TO COUNT - Learn your child to count.
LEGEND OF LOTHIAN - Graphical version of a role playing game.
LINES - Draw as many lines as you can for highest points
MATHS ADVENTURE - Solve the maths problems to escape each room in this adventure.
METEOR - Graphical adventure.
MICRO MARKET - Buy and sell shares in this stockmarket game.
MORIA - Role playing game. Build up your character to be able to surviv
MOUNT DOOM - Rescue the princess from sacrifice
NEW STUBB CITY - 3D constuction kit adventure.
PAIR IT - Match the shapes.
PETERS QUEST - A Platform game.
POWER WARS - Stratergy game of galactic struggles of good against evil.
RAIDER - Defend Galaxy from alien attack
RAISE TITANIC - 3D construction kit adventure to raise this famous ship.
REFLEX TEST - Try to answer these maths questions as quickly and accurately t
REMEBER IT - Match up the pictures
RETURN TO EARTH - Space trading game on the lines as elite.
SCHELOBERS QUEST - Help schelober find himself a girl.
SEALANCE - Subb similator
SIMONS COLOURS - Simon. Follow the colour sequence.
SNAP IT - Game of Snap on the computer
STAR TREK - Adventure game based on star trek.
STARBASE 13 - Graphic adventure Monkey island type
STORMLORDS - Strategy game
STRIP DOTS - Strip poker
STYLE - Match up the tiles
SUPER LEAGUE - Football management game.
TALKING ADVENTURE - A talking adventure.
TASK FORCE - Control your troops to complete each mission in this strategic
TEMPORAL MISPLACEMENT - Text grapic adventure
THE GALLOWS - Hangman.
THE SHEPHERD - Place the sheep to multiply
THE SUITCASE - Graphic adventure
THRALLBOUND - Text and Graphics adventure.
TIME WARP - Text adventure Find the time machine
TRAIN - Create your own electric train set.
TREASURE ISLAND - Text adventure
TREASURE SEARCH - Educational game using co-ordinates to find the treasure.
TU ADVENTURE - Talking adventure
TYPE OR DIE - Educational game to help the kids find thier way around the key
WANDERER - A boulderdash style game. Collect all the gems on each level.
WAR OF FOUR - Graphic adventure
WARGAME - Stratergy war game.
WASTELANDS - 3D construction kit adventure.
WIZARD WARS - Use your wizard powers to create demons to attack the other pla
WORD GAME - Guess the secret word
WORLD - Stratergy game.
ZERG - Role playing adventure. Travel the land from town to town fight
ZUTALORS - Role playing adventure.
Assassins Cd1 Catalogue Games Puzzle
4 GET IT - Join the same patterned blocks together.
AMASTERMIND - Mastermind.
AMIGATRATION - Match the shapes.
ASHIDO - Place the tiles adjacent to others of the same colour or shape
ASOKOBAN - Push the blocks around to get them to the finish position.
ATISHOO - Place the tiles adjacent to others of the same colour or shape
BLOCK IT - Fire a block at the same shaped blocks to make them disappear.
BLOCK OUT - Addictive strategy puzzle.
BRAIN DAMAGE - Join the same coloured blocks together.
BRAINBOW - Try to colour the playing area in the same colour using just th
BRAINSHAVE - Connect the same coloured blocks together.
BRIDGE BALL - Use different pieces of pipes to get the ball to the finish lin
BUNNY - Sliding puzzle.
CHALLENGER - General knowledge quiz.
CHECKERBOARD - Jigsaw type puzzle.
CHINA TILES - Mah jong or dragon tiles game.
CLI_TRIS - Make lines of the same coloured blocks as they fall down the s
CLIFF HANGER - Same as hangman only you have to stop the man walking of the cl
CLOCKWISER - Move the blocks around.
COGNITION - Rotate the cogs so that the same colours are next to each other
COLORS - Form lines of four or more blocks of the same colour as the dro
COLOUR CHANGES - Try to create a line of four. Played against upto four other pl
CONCENTRATION - Match the shapes.
CONFUZION - Slide the tiles to get the bombs into the bucket of water befor
CONNEX4 - Connect 4.
COUPLES - Match up the pictures.
CRACKER - Mastermind.
CRAZY CLOCK - Computer version of the rubiks clock and just as difficult.
CROSSMAZE - Crosswords.
CUBE - Rubiks cube.
D_SOLVE - Solve the crosswords.
DBL SQR - Try to place as many squares on the board as possible. No squar
DEFUSION - Crack the code before the bomb explodes
DOMINION - Force out the Droids by moving the blocks around.
DOT 2 DOT - Join the dots to make boxes. The person with the most boxes win
DRAGON CAVE - Push the treasure chest around to the correct place before the
DRAGON TILES - Mah jong.
DRELBS - Close all the lines to make a box. Try to fill the screen area
ENIGMA - Connect the same coloured blocks together.
EQUILOG - Mastermind.
FLAG CATCHER - Use your brain to work out where the flag is while avoiding the
FLIP IT - Othello.
FLIP OVER - Othello.
FLYING PUZZLE - Sliding puzzle.
FOUR IN A ROW - Connect four.
GALLOWS - Hangman.
GET MY GOAT - Sliding puzzle.
GOMOKU - Make a line of five stones in any direction.
GYVES - Tetris clone.
INTERLOCK - Push the blocks together so that all the same coloured blocks a
ISHIDO MATIC - Place the tiles adjacent to others of the same colour or shape
ISOLATION - Try to isolate the other players piece so that he has nowhere t
KABOOM! - Try to find all the mines without stepping on them.
KLAKTRIS - Make lines of the same colour. Simialar style to tetris.
KNOTTY - Sliding picture puzzle
LANDMINES - Try to find all the mines without stepping on them.
LEXESS - Hangman style game.
MANCALA - A logic puzzle. Move beads from one pit to the others trying to
MASTERMIND - Mastermind.
MASTERMIND 1.3 - Mastermind.
MAZE - Solve the maze.
MEGAMIND - More mastermind.
MELTDOWN - Place your pieces on the board when a certain number of pieces
MINEFIELD - Try to find all the mines without stepping on them.
MINES2 - Try to find all the mines without stepping on them.
MOSAIC - Create a sequence of numbers from lowest to highest before the
MOUSE IMPOSSIBLE - Use the different shapes and objects to get the cannon to stop
NOVA - Sliding puzzle.
NUMBER FUMBLER - Sliding puzzle.
NUMERIX - Try to score the highest number of points on the board using te
NUMTRIS 2 - Tetris using numbers
OBLIDOX - Try to move your counters around the maze only using the same c
OCT24 - Octangnal board Othello.
ORG2 - Similar game as connect four only you can place counters on fro
PACATAC - Tetris style game but with pacman pieces (eg. pacman
PARADOX - Connect the same coloured blocks together.
PARAGON - Place your pieces on the board when a certain number of pieces
PB SWITCH - Othello.
PEG IT - Diffrent game of draughts
PICK OUT - Match the same two cards.
PICTURE PUZZLE - Jigsaw puzzles.
POINT TO POINT - Join the dots to make boxes.
POLYMORF - Join the same coloured blocks.
PUZZ15 - Sliding puzzle.
PUZZLE 15 - Sliding puzzle.
PUZZLE 15 - Sliding puzzle.
PUZZWORD - Try to recreate the puzzle at the bottom of the screen.
QUADRIX - Blocks slide in from each of the four directions. You have to u
RABBIT PUZZLE - Sliding puzzle.
REVERSI - Othello.
RISTINOLLA - 5 In a row
ROTHELLO - More othello.
RUBIK - Rubiks cube.
RUSHHOUR - Sliding puzzle.
SHAPES - A tetris clone.
SHUFFLE RUN - Two player game to try and collect as many poits as you can by
SIMON - Simon. Follow the colours.
SLIDE IT - Push the blocks together
SQUARES - 2 Player move colour blocks
SQUIGS - try to jump all the other squigs. Similar style to drafts.
STATIX - Make lines of the same shaped blocks without tipping the see sa
STEPZ - Try to get your counter to the top of the screen while avoiding
SUPER BLOCKOUT - Tetris clone.
TACTIX - Create rows of the same shapes to score points. Remeber that it
TECHNOBAHN - Sokobahn.
TETREN - Tetris clone.
TETRIS PRO - A tetris clone with bonuses.
TETRON TETRIS - A tetris clone.
THE BRAIN - 3D Four in a line.
THE LAST TETRIS - Another tetris clone.
TILES - A version of dragon tiles/Mah jong
TOOBZ - Try to get the correct coloured balls into the correct house wi
TREK TRIVIA - Trivia quiz based on star trek.
TRICKY - Use the ball to run over the objects to make them dissapper.
TRIK TRAK - Backgammon style game.
TRIPPIN - Try to capture all four circles before your opponent. You can o
TUTS TOMB - Card game.
UP & DOWN - Connect 4.
VOZ CHESS - Chess.
WANGLE - Try to group all similar coloured squares together.
WOHLE - Mastermind.
WORD SEARCH - Word search puzzles.
WORDHAI - Try to use all the letters to make up 3 letter words only.
WORDPUZZLE - More word searches.
WOTS ITS NAME - Try to get your counter round the board first by answering ques
XATOMS - Place your pieces on the board when a certain number of pieces
ZARDOZ - Slide the puzzle blocks to recreate the puzzle in the top left
AMASTERMIND - Mastermind.
AMIGATRATION - Match the shapes.
ASHIDO - Place the tiles adjacent to others of the same colour or shape
ASOKOBAN - Push the blocks around to get them to the finish position.
ATISHOO - Place the tiles adjacent to others of the same colour or shape
BLOCK IT - Fire a block at the same shaped blocks to make them disappear.
BLOCK OUT - Addictive strategy puzzle.
BRAIN DAMAGE - Join the same coloured blocks together.
BRAINBOW - Try to colour the playing area in the same colour using just th
BRAINSHAVE - Connect the same coloured blocks together.
BRIDGE BALL - Use different pieces of pipes to get the ball to the finish lin
BUNNY - Sliding puzzle.
CHALLENGER - General knowledge quiz.
CHECKERBOARD - Jigsaw type puzzle.
CHINA TILES - Mah jong or dragon tiles game.
CLI_TRIS - Make lines of the same coloured blocks as they fall down the s
CLIFF HANGER - Same as hangman only you have to stop the man walking of the cl
CLOCKWISER - Move the blocks around.
COGNITION - Rotate the cogs so that the same colours are next to each other
COLORS - Form lines of four or more blocks of the same colour as the dro
COLOUR CHANGES - Try to create a line of four. Played against upto four other pl
CONCENTRATION - Match the shapes.
CONFUZION - Slide the tiles to get the bombs into the bucket of water befor
CONNEX4 - Connect 4.
COUPLES - Match up the pictures.
CRACKER - Mastermind.
CRAZY CLOCK - Computer version of the rubiks clock and just as difficult.
CROSSMAZE - Crosswords.
CUBE - Rubiks cube.
D_SOLVE - Solve the crosswords.
DBL SQR - Try to place as many squares on the board as possible. No squar
DEFUSION - Crack the code before the bomb explodes
DOMINION - Force out the Droids by moving the blocks around.
DOT 2 DOT - Join the dots to make boxes. The person with the most boxes win
DRAGON CAVE - Push the treasure chest around to the correct place before the
DRAGON TILES - Mah jong.
DRELBS - Close all the lines to make a box. Try to fill the screen area
ENIGMA - Connect the same coloured blocks together.
EQUILOG - Mastermind.
FLAG CATCHER - Use your brain to work out where the flag is while avoiding the
FLIP IT - Othello.
FLIP OVER - Othello.
FLYING PUZZLE - Sliding puzzle.
FOUR IN A ROW - Connect four.
GALLOWS - Hangman.
GET MY GOAT - Sliding puzzle.
GOMOKU - Make a line of five stones in any direction.
GYVES - Tetris clone.
INTERLOCK - Push the blocks together so that all the same coloured blocks a
ISHIDO MATIC - Place the tiles adjacent to others of the same colour or shape
ISOLATION - Try to isolate the other players piece so that he has nowhere t
KABOOM! - Try to find all the mines without stepping on them.
KLAKTRIS - Make lines of the same colour. Simialar style to tetris.
KNOTTY - Sliding picture puzzle
LANDMINES - Try to find all the mines without stepping on them.
LEXESS - Hangman style game.
MANCALA - A logic puzzle. Move beads from one pit to the others trying to
MASTERMIND - Mastermind.
MASTERMIND 1.3 - Mastermind.
MAZE - Solve the maze.
MEGAMIND - More mastermind.
MELTDOWN - Place your pieces on the board when a certain number of pieces
MINEFIELD - Try to find all the mines without stepping on them.
MINES2 - Try to find all the mines without stepping on them.
MOSAIC - Create a sequence of numbers from lowest to highest before the
MOUSE IMPOSSIBLE - Use the different shapes and objects to get the cannon to stop
NOVA - Sliding puzzle.
NUMBER FUMBLER - Sliding puzzle.
NUMERIX - Try to score the highest number of points on the board using te
NUMTRIS 2 - Tetris using numbers
OBLIDOX - Try to move your counters around the maze only using the same c
OCT24 - Octangnal board Othello.
ORG2 - Similar game as connect four only you can place counters on fro
PACATAC - Tetris style game but with pacman pieces (eg. pacman
PARADOX - Connect the same coloured blocks together.
PARAGON - Place your pieces on the board when a certain number of pieces
PB SWITCH - Othello.
PEG IT - Diffrent game of draughts
PICK OUT - Match the same two cards.
PICTURE PUZZLE - Jigsaw puzzles.
POINT TO POINT - Join the dots to make boxes.
POLYMORF - Join the same coloured blocks.
PUZZ15 - Sliding puzzle.
PUZZLE 15 - Sliding puzzle.
PUZZLE 15 - Sliding puzzle.
PUZZWORD - Try to recreate the puzzle at the bottom of the screen.
QUADRIX - Blocks slide in from each of the four directions. You have to u
RABBIT PUZZLE - Sliding puzzle.
REVERSI - Othello.
RISTINOLLA - 5 In a row
ROTHELLO - More othello.
RUBIK - Rubiks cube.
RUSHHOUR - Sliding puzzle.
SHAPES - A tetris clone.
SHUFFLE RUN - Two player game to try and collect as many poits as you can by
SIMON - Simon. Follow the colours.
SLIDE IT - Push the blocks together
SQUARES - 2 Player move colour blocks
SQUIGS - try to jump all the other squigs. Similar style to drafts.
STATIX - Make lines of the same shaped blocks without tipping the see sa
STEPZ - Try to get your counter to the top of the screen while avoiding
SUPER BLOCKOUT - Tetris clone.
TACTIX - Create rows of the same shapes to score points. Remeber that it
TECHNOBAHN - Sokobahn.
TETREN - Tetris clone.
TETRIS PRO - A tetris clone with bonuses.
TETRON TETRIS - A tetris clone.
THE BRAIN - 3D Four in a line.
THE LAST TETRIS - Another tetris clone.
TILES - A version of dragon tiles/Mah jong
TOOBZ - Try to get the correct coloured balls into the correct house wi
TREK TRIVIA - Trivia quiz based on star trek.
TRICKY - Use the ball to run over the objects to make them dissapper.
TRIK TRAK - Backgammon style game.
TRIPPIN - Try to capture all four circles before your opponent. You can o
TUTS TOMB - Card game.
UP & DOWN - Connect 4.
VOZ CHESS - Chess.
WANGLE - Try to group all similar coloured squares together.
WOHLE - Mastermind.
WORD SEARCH - Word search puzzles.
WORDHAI - Try to use all the letters to make up 3 letter words only.
WORDPUZZLE - More word searches.
WOTS ITS NAME - Try to get your counter round the board first by answering ques
XATOMS - Place your pieces on the board when a certain number of pieces
ZARDOZ - Slide the puzzle blocks to recreate the puzzle in the top left
Assassins Cd1 Catalogue Games Shoot Ems
ACK ACK - Shoot the aircraft with your A.A.guns
AIRACE2 - One on one plane shoot up game
AMIGAWARS - Space invader style game with computer aliens
AMIGOIDS - A clone game of Asteroids
AMOEBA - Space invaders game
AMOSTEROIDS - A version of the classic Asteroids
AMOS_ASTEROIDS - Another Asteroids clone done with Amos
AMOS_MISSILE_COMMAND - An Amos clone of the classic game
ANTI_LEMMINGS - Simple Shoot the lemmings game
ARAZAMAX - Good style shoot up
ARENA - 2 player duel to the death! Short lived fun
ARTILLERUS - V.Good strat. style shoot em up game
ASTEROIDS - The classic game pf Asteroids on the Amiga
ASTROWARS - 2 Player space fight
ATAX - Shoot the baddies Collect articles for X power
BATMAN - Shoot em up game with Batman theme
BLACK_NEBULA - Shoot Battle zone clone
BLASTER - The classic blast everything in sight game
BLIZZARD - Horiz Shoot up. Coded game. Classic in its time
BLOB - Shoot 'em up
BOPNPLOP - Arcade platform game
BUGBLASTER - Buy a weapon Clear your garden of Bugs
BUZZBAR - Excellent Multi directional shoot up game
CABASTEROIDS - Another Asteroids type game
CAFFEINFREE - Very good shoot up game with nice Gfx
COMPUTERCONFLICT - Good shoot up game
COSMOROIDS - Asteriods shoot up
CROSS_CIRCUIT - Stop electrical surges leaving the grid
CYBERNETIX - Briliant defender clone All action
DEATHBRINGERS - Colourful vertivally scroling shoot up
DEFENDA! - A clone of the classic Defender style game
DEFENDER - The original Defender game for the Amiga
DELUXEHAMBURGER - Kill the burgers with Ketchup
DEPTHCHARGE - Drop your depth charges to sink the subs
DESCENDER - A game in the style of the Defender type game
DESERTDEFENDER - Similar to Defender but wih desert GFX
DLXGALAGA - Excellent vertical scrolling shoot up game
ETYPE - A classic shoot up game with lots of action
EUPHORION - A shoot em up game
EXTREMEVIOLENCE - A blood thirsty shoot up game Cert PG
FATALMISSION - V.good and demanding space age shoot up
FATALMISSION2 - Another V.good space age shoot up
FATALMISSION3 - V.good Flying into the screen type game
FIREFIGHTER - A shoot em up game with fire men.
FIREFLY - Vertical shoot up. Nice gfx but tricky
FORTRESS - Shoot em up cons kit blast everything game
FURMYRE - Very good shoot up game with nice Gfx
GALACTOID - Another asteroid style game
GALADRIA - Very good shoot up game
GALAGA'92+ - Drop your depth charges to sink the subs
GIRLACTION - Space invaders style game
GODZILLA - Shoot em up cons kit game
GORF - Excellent clone of the classic Arcade game
HARRIER - Cute little aircraft attack game
HEADGAMES - Space invaders with unusual Gfx
HELLZONE - V.good verticle spaceage shoot up
HELLZONE2 - V.good verticle spaceage shoot up
HEMROIDS - Another version of Asteriods
INCINERATOR - Defend the City from missile attacks
INSECTOIDS2 - Excellent Galaxian type game
INSECTS - V.good Space invaders
INTENSE - Very good shoot up game with nice Gfx
INTERFACEROBOT - Excellent shoot up game
INVADERSII - A version of the classic Space invaders game
KYNASTONKID - Very good shoot up game
LLAMATRON - The camel is your gun for alien shoot out
MAIYESSAE - Well playable! Good shoot up
MANIA - Good shoot up game
MARKSMAN - Operation Wolf shot em up game
MARKSMAN2 - Stop the aliens reaching the top
MECHAMOID - Asteriods type game
MEGARACE - Based on a M/way chase
MEGASQUAD - 2 Player combat style game
METALMOTION - Operation Wolf type clone
MICROBES - V.good game where you must defend your perimiter
MIRRORWARS - Fire missiles through a maze of mirrors
MISSILECOMMAND - Possibly the nearest thing to the original
MRWOBBLY - Invaders type game
NEBULA - Shoot Battle zone clone
NETWORK - 1 or 2 Player space invaders game
NOSTALGIUM - An excellent clone of the Uridium style game
OBLIVION - Arcade Defender clone
OMEGARACE - Strange Asteroids Good game
ONEONONE - 2 player tanks in a maze
ORBIT3D - Survive the gravatation of the black hole
PARATTACK - Man the guns and stop the paratroopers landing
PEEBEE - V.good Shoot em up game with nice cute gfx
POD - If you like a hectic blast
PSYCHOBLAST - Very good shoot up game
QUICKMONEY - 2 player duel in a maze game
RAID - V.good Shoot em up game with nice gfx
RAIDER - Search and destroy the aliens
RAIDII - Another V.good Shoot em up game with improved gfx
RAIDIII - Update of a Shoot em up game with even better gfx
REVENGE - Classic revenge of the mutant camel
RINGWAR - Vectot graphics shoot up
ROLLERPEDE - A version of the classic centipede game
ROTON - Good Shoot em up game
ROX - Astroids shoot up
SAFRONDREAM - V.good Shoot em up game with nice gfx
SCORCHEDTANK - V.Good strat. style shoot em up game
SCUDBUSTER - Destroy the scuds in this spaceinvaders clone
SECTOR1 - V.good Shoot em up game
SENSIBLE_MASSACRE - Blood thirsty goal keeping game. cert PG
SERENE - Nice example of a Shoot em up cons kit game
SERENE2 - Excellent Gfx in this good SEUCK game
SERENE3 - Excellent game from Fez. shoot up
SHOOT_OUT - Shoot baddies but let the goodies go
SILVERBLADE - Destroy the alien space ships
SKEETSHOOT - Clay pigeon shooting game
SKYFLYER - Another V.good Shoot em up game
SKYFLYER2 - Another V.good Shoot em up game with improved gfx
SOLARWARS - 2 player Space shoot out
SOLE_DEFENDER - A game along the lines of the Defender
SPACEINVADERSII - A version of the classic space invaders
SPACEINVASION - A version of the classic spaceinvaders
SPACEKILLER - Space ship shoot out
SPACETRAX - Space ship shoot out collect survivers
SPECTRUM - Another good Shoot up
SQUAMBLE - A clone of the classic Scramble shootup
STARTREK - Shoot em up game with a StarTrek theme
STORMEAGLE - Another good Shoot up
SUBATTACK! - Attack & kill the subs before they kill you
SUPERRAID - An updated and improved version of Raid
SYSTEMDEFEND - Defender style game
SYSTEMDEFENDER - Clone of the classic Defender game
TANX - Amusing 2 player shoot over the hill game
TARC - Space invaders with different levels
TOMCAT - Shoot em up game based around various Aircraft
TRAX - Tank battle
TYKKIPELI - Shoot over the hill type game
WARRIOR - Shoot up with a diffrence
WEBZ - Clever Shoot em up game with Insects
WIPEOUT - Shoot em up
XENONIII - Another V.good Shoot em up game with improved gfx
XFIRE - 2 way shoot em up
ZALYCON - Save the planet Avoid the asteroids
AIRACE2 - One on one plane shoot up game
AMIGAWARS - Space invader style game with computer aliens
AMIGOIDS - A clone game of Asteroids
AMOEBA - Space invaders game
AMOSTEROIDS - A version of the classic Asteroids
AMOS_ASTEROIDS - Another Asteroids clone done with Amos
AMOS_MISSILE_COMMAND - An Amos clone of the classic game
ANTI_LEMMINGS - Simple Shoot the lemmings game
ARAZAMAX - Good style shoot up
ARENA - 2 player duel to the death! Short lived fun
ARTILLERUS - V.Good strat. style shoot em up game
ASTEROIDS - The classic game pf Asteroids on the Amiga
ASTROWARS - 2 Player space fight
ATAX - Shoot the baddies Collect articles for X power
BATMAN - Shoot em up game with Batman theme
BLACK_NEBULA - Shoot Battle zone clone
BLASTER - The classic blast everything in sight game
BLIZZARD - Horiz Shoot up. Coded game. Classic in its time
BLOB - Shoot 'em up
BOPNPLOP - Arcade platform game
BUGBLASTER - Buy a weapon Clear your garden of Bugs
BUZZBAR - Excellent Multi directional shoot up game
CABASTEROIDS - Another Asteroids type game
CAFFEINFREE - Very good shoot up game with nice Gfx
COMPUTERCONFLICT - Good shoot up game
COSMOROIDS - Asteriods shoot up
CROSS_CIRCUIT - Stop electrical surges leaving the grid
CYBERNETIX - Briliant defender clone All action
DEATHBRINGERS - Colourful vertivally scroling shoot up
DEFENDA! - A clone of the classic Defender style game
DEFENDER - The original Defender game for the Amiga
DELUXEHAMBURGER - Kill the burgers with Ketchup
DEPTHCHARGE - Drop your depth charges to sink the subs
DESCENDER - A game in the style of the Defender type game
DESERTDEFENDER - Similar to Defender but wih desert GFX
DLXGALAGA - Excellent vertical scrolling shoot up game
ETYPE - A classic shoot up game with lots of action
EUPHORION - A shoot em up game
EXTREMEVIOLENCE - A blood thirsty shoot up game Cert PG
FATALMISSION - V.good and demanding space age shoot up
FATALMISSION2 - Another V.good space age shoot up
FATALMISSION3 - V.good Flying into the screen type game
FIREFIGHTER - A shoot em up game with fire men.
FIREFLY - Vertical shoot up. Nice gfx but tricky
FORTRESS - Shoot em up cons kit blast everything game
FURMYRE - Very good shoot up game with nice Gfx
GALACTOID - Another asteroid style game
GALADRIA - Very good shoot up game
GALAGA'92+ - Drop your depth charges to sink the subs
GIRLACTION - Space invaders style game
GODZILLA - Shoot em up cons kit game
GORF - Excellent clone of the classic Arcade game
HARRIER - Cute little aircraft attack game
HEADGAMES - Space invaders with unusual Gfx
HELLZONE - V.good verticle spaceage shoot up
HELLZONE2 - V.good verticle spaceage shoot up
HEMROIDS - Another version of Asteriods
INCINERATOR - Defend the City from missile attacks
INSECTOIDS2 - Excellent Galaxian type game
INSECTS - V.good Space invaders
INTENSE - Very good shoot up game with nice Gfx
INTERFACEROBOT - Excellent shoot up game
INVADERSII - A version of the classic Space invaders game
KYNASTONKID - Very good shoot up game
LLAMATRON - The camel is your gun for alien shoot out
MAIYESSAE - Well playable! Good shoot up
MANIA - Good shoot up game
MARKSMAN - Operation Wolf shot em up game
MARKSMAN2 - Stop the aliens reaching the top
MECHAMOID - Asteriods type game
MEGARACE - Based on a M/way chase
MEGASQUAD - 2 Player combat style game
METALMOTION - Operation Wolf type clone
MICROBES - V.good game where you must defend your perimiter
MIRRORWARS - Fire missiles through a maze of mirrors
MISSILECOMMAND - Possibly the nearest thing to the original
MRWOBBLY - Invaders type game
NEBULA - Shoot Battle zone clone
NETWORK - 1 or 2 Player space invaders game
NOSTALGIUM - An excellent clone of the Uridium style game
OBLIVION - Arcade Defender clone
OMEGARACE - Strange Asteroids Good game
ONEONONE - 2 player tanks in a maze
ORBIT3D - Survive the gravatation of the black hole
PARATTACK - Man the guns and stop the paratroopers landing
PEEBEE - V.good Shoot em up game with nice cute gfx
POD - If you like a hectic blast
PSYCHOBLAST - Very good shoot up game
QUICKMONEY - 2 player duel in a maze game
RAID - V.good Shoot em up game with nice gfx
RAIDER - Search and destroy the aliens
RAIDII - Another V.good Shoot em up game with improved gfx
RAIDIII - Update of a Shoot em up game with even better gfx
REVENGE - Classic revenge of the mutant camel
RINGWAR - Vectot graphics shoot up
ROLLERPEDE - A version of the classic centipede game
ROTON - Good Shoot em up game
ROX - Astroids shoot up
SAFRONDREAM - V.good Shoot em up game with nice gfx
SCORCHEDTANK - V.Good strat. style shoot em up game
SCUDBUSTER - Destroy the scuds in this spaceinvaders clone
SECTOR1 - V.good Shoot em up game
SENSIBLE_MASSACRE - Blood thirsty goal keeping game. cert PG
SERENE - Nice example of a Shoot em up cons kit game
SERENE2 - Excellent Gfx in this good SEUCK game
SERENE3 - Excellent game from Fez. shoot up
SHOOT_OUT - Shoot baddies but let the goodies go
SILVERBLADE - Destroy the alien space ships
SKEETSHOOT - Clay pigeon shooting game
SKYFLYER - Another V.good Shoot em up game
SKYFLYER2 - Another V.good Shoot em up game with improved gfx
SOLARWARS - 2 player Space shoot out
SOLE_DEFENDER - A game along the lines of the Defender
SPACEINVADERSII - A version of the classic space invaders
SPACEINVASION - A version of the classic spaceinvaders
SPACEKILLER - Space ship shoot out
SPACETRAX - Space ship shoot out collect survivers
SPECTRUM - Another good Shoot up
SQUAMBLE - A clone of the classic Scramble shootup
STARTREK - Shoot em up game with a StarTrek theme
STORMEAGLE - Another good Shoot up
SUBATTACK! - Attack & kill the subs before they kill you
SUPERRAID - An updated and improved version of Raid
SYSTEMDEFEND - Defender style game
SYSTEMDEFENDER - Clone of the classic Defender game
TANX - Amusing 2 player shoot over the hill game
TARC - Space invaders with different levels
TOMCAT - Shoot em up game based around various Aircraft
TRAX - Tank battle
TYKKIPELI - Shoot over the hill type game
WARRIOR - Shoot up with a diffrence
WEBZ - Clever Shoot em up game with Insects
WIPEOUT - Shoot em up
XENONIII - Another V.good Shoot em up game with improved gfx
XFIRE - 2 way shoot em up
ZALYCON - Save the planet Avoid the asteroids