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INTERVIEW WITH KRZYSZTOF "KOYOT" MATYSKrzysztof "Koyot" Matys and Robert "Minniat" Szacki have kindly agreed to answer some questions about a new amiga game which will be released as public domain in the near future.
Have you released public domain games in the past? if so can you provide details about your previous work?KM: I was involved into the development process of our other game called "Archmage". A 2D logical arcade game with "role playing" elements. It is still a WIP, with 2D graphics hand made pixel by pixel. Those were my very first steps in that department, not counting a much different RPG project for the Amiga I tried to help with.
RS: I wrote some games in the past with my brother using AMOS. Those were "Kwack" and "Butcherman", very simplistic shoot'em ups with our own music and graphics. They weren't released to the public (only among our friends). I was also working on a map editor for Benefactor since years, finally managed to finish it in 2006, and in 2011 I released the upgraded version 2.0. My first released game was written in C and it was a Robbo clone that was reviewed in Amiga Future #77. Then I began work on the "Archmage" project, and apart from that I released two games for the X-Mas competition organised by - "Dwarves in the Iceland" which was a simple Lemmings clone, and "Arctic Hunter" - a collect'em up game. The second one was written entirely in assembler. Now I work with the RNS Amiga Club on the "Diver" project. |
Work in Progress ScreenshotThe above screenshot shows the current work in progress screenshot of a new Amiga game expected to be available in June.
Original GameThe above screenshot shows the original Nintendo Game and Watch game which has inspired this latest amiga update.
How did the idea of creating a new amiga game come about?
KM: It was suppose to be a test, how fast can we create a whole new game for the classic Amiga. We needed something simple and fun, so we chose the Game&Watch game starring "The diver".
What is it about the nintendo watch game genre you like??
KM: Such a simplistic idea, dynamic gameplay, and just a few buttons and rules to master. Especially the Russian "editions", wolf gathering eggs game (Nu, pogodi!).
How many people are involved in the project?
KM: Up to now three people are involved - one programmer Robert "Minniat" Szacki, two graphic artists Krzysztof "Koyot" Matys and Sergiusz "Selur" Lurka. There are of course other members of the team - Radosław "strim" Kujawa and Janusz "Shoonay" Brzuska that regularly test the game, provide ideas, and spread the word on many Amiga-related sites
Which amigas will the game work on?
KM: That's a question for our programmer.
RS: It will work on any classic Amiga running AOS2.x, including a graphic card version, up to AOS4.x.
RS: It will work on any classic Amiga running AOS2.x, including a graphic card version, up to AOS4.x.
What programs are you using to create the game?
KM: When it comes to the graphics, Sergiusz uses an original Deluxe Paint IV and I'm using Gimp.
RS: For programming I use a text editor (DME, Gold ED); Dice C or GCC and Asm-One for compiling. On a real Amiga of course.
RS: For programming I use a text editor (DME, Gold ED); Dice C or GCC and Asm-One for compiling. On a real Amiga of course.
How will the game be distributed?
KM: I think it would be cool if everyone could simply download the game for free. Maybe, if the game would get a positive response, we could release it boxed or perhaps on a disk with a poster? Who knows.
When will the game be ready?
KM: Thanks to Robert a full 1.0 version is already working. Still, we hope to improve the gameplay by adding some of our original ideas into the game, before publishing the final version. Of course there are still some things to fix with the graphics.
RS: The game will be ready in June for sure
RS: The game will be ready in June for sure
Are there more games planned for the future?
KM: For now we're focusing on finishing this game.
AmigaPd Charityware
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