/Amiga Pd CharitywareAmiga PD is a charityware site - if you download any disk images you are encouraged to donate to our chosen charity - Mencap -at our justgiving page.
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Top 100 Amiga Public Domain Games
Amiga emulation is NOT legal if you do not own an Amiga system yourself. However you can buy a legal, fully licensed Amiga emulation package from Cloanto called Amiga Forever.
The majority of games listed here are public domain or shareware games. There are some games which were originally released as licenceware however these games have subsequently, over time been released as public domain on other sites. If the author, publisher decide to change this decision please contact me and I will remove the game file.
Whilst every effort is taken in producing the disk images users download them at their own risk. Amigapd will not take resposibility for any damage caused to users computers or software from downloading / using the files.
The majority of games listed here are public domain or shareware games. There are some games which were originally released as licenceware however these games have subsequently, over time been released as public domain on other sites. If the author, publisher decide to change this decision please contact me and I will remove the game file.
Whilst every effort is taken in producing the disk images users download them at their own risk. Amigapd will not take resposibility for any damage caused to users computers or software from downloading / using the files.
The downloads on this site are free. However if you enjoy playing the games, reading the reviews contained on this website you are encouraged to make a donation to my current charity of chocie Mencap. You can do this by visiting Amigapds just giving page.
Recommendations donations would be £1 per disk image and £10 per CD image. These are compariable to the amounts you would have paid for disks from public domain libaries during the 1990's.
Recommendations donations would be £1 per disk image and £10 per CD image. These are compariable to the amounts you would have paid for disks from public domain libaries during the 1990's.
Top 88 (rising to 100) Public Domain Game Disk Images
Act of War: "Great thinking mans action game from Dave Smith, a touch of Dungeon master, with a hint of Rebel Star Raiders make this a dead cert on the PD gaming front." Description from 17 Bit Catalogue - DMS Image.
Adventures of Norris: Platform game with professional graphics slightly let down by controls. Worth a look but there are better platform games here. ![]()
Air Mania: Great little game - give it a try.
Alien Fish Finger - Was recommended this game by the Lemon Amiga Forum - seems to be a plaftorm game like Turrican but with very small sprites. Check out a you tube video of the game by clicking here. ![]()
Alien Frenzy: "A 2 player Tanx style shooting game with robots. The object is to deplete your enemy of all his energy before he does the same to you. Nice gfx and reasonable sound make this a very good game. **USE OLD CHIPSET ON AGA MACHINES** " Quote from 17 Bit Catalogue - DMS image.
Alien Bash 2:
Asteroids - Classic verison of the 1980's Asteroid game. Remember filling up those arcade machines with 10p s. Two versions of Asteroids as include on Assasins Game disks.
Atac Atic: “Oh Dear! Spectrum games being converted to the Amiga, what is the world coming to? It's not as bad as you would have thought, it's quite playable and after a while the action is quite gripping! Well worth a look. ” Quote from original 17 Bit Catalogue. DMS Image
A-type: The game is superficially similar to R-Type. The weapon upgrade pods are there, but there is no charged power shots. ![]()
Beetle: Great platform game - Click here to see video clip from youtube.
Blaster: Good quality shoot em up. Click here to watch a video from you tube.
Blizzard: Nice playable uridium-style sort of game. DMS image.
Bob's Garden: Mr Do clone.
Biplanes: Two player air dogfight.
Burton Bird: Platform game worth a look.
Crazy Sue: Platform game - intro clearly influenced by Great Giana Sisters. Click here for more information.
Crazy Sue 2: Platform game - improved sequel to Crazy Sue. Watch the youtube video clip.
Cyberntx: an excellent clone of William's classic coin operated Defender game. ![]()
Defender: Arcade classic shoot em up
DeluxeGalaga: If you are looking for a good, fun shoot em up then this should satisfy your needs.
Deluxe Pac Man: Classic remake of pac man !!!
Dithel in Space: Another great little platform game. Sequel to Dithel in Wonderland aka Wonderland.
Dogfight: Two player arcade game.
Donkey Kong: Yes it is the classic arcade Donkey Kong game.
Doody: Click here to watch a video clip of the game from youtube.
Drip: A very addictive game where you play as a drop of water with the aim of covering all the pipes whilst avoiding the various enemy characters. Similar to pacman in gameplay.
Dr Strange: Platform game.
Dr Strange 2: Sequel to game above. More platform fun.
Dynamite Warriors: Pd version of Bomberman.
Dynamite Warriors: Sequel to game above - more bomberman fun !!
Elektrek: Very addictive game. Click here to watch youtube video.
Elevation: Simple but addictive. You control a character who has to run across the screen avoiding elevators / lifts as they move up and down. Diffently has that one more go factor.
Elevation 2: Update of game list above.
Eric - Great Shareware platform game - could have been a commercial game. Click here to watch a youtube video of the game. Read the authors comments.
Fayoh and Fayoh 2: Two great platform games. Previously licenceware now available as public domain.
Fayoh 2 is Hard Drive install only. ![]()
Flaschbier: A boulderdash game with good layout and puzzles. Even Stuart Campbell of Amiga Power was impressed giving the game 5 out of 5 in October 1991.
Frogger: Verision of the classic frogger game.
Fruit Salad: Platform game - worth a look.
Furball: Platform game starring a cat - nice graphics but gameplay may be a bit repetitive.
Gravity Force 2: According to Wikipedia, AmigaPower claimed this was the second best amiga game ever!!! ![]()
Hellzone: An R-Type clone. Nice graphics and gameplay although can become a bit repetitive.
High Octane: Top down racing game - Probably the best PD racing game on the Amiga.
Jump Em: Competent game. Good graphics, solid gameplay but probably won't be a game you return to long term. Good solid fun whilst it lasts.
Knights: Two player game:
Larn: This game is now showing its age. At the time 17 Bit Pd described the game as "Poor graphics no sound but really playable! ” DMS image
Legend of Lothian: Role play game.
Llamatron: Jeff Minter classic - shoot em up arcade fun.
Lore of Conquest: one for those who like wargames / strategy games. Graphics aren't great. ![]()
Master Blaster: Bomberman clone - invite some friends round and have some fun!.
Mayhem: mulitplayer game.
Megaball: Arkanoid / Breakout game.
Moria: Role play game.
Morton Strikes Back: Great platform game. Read the authors comments.
Ork Attack: Click here to visit the unofficial fan site for this game.
Parachute Joust: Two player game - try to steal the only parachute from your rival as you both plunge to the ground.
Paranoid : Very good Pd arkanoid clone that even includes a screen designer. Good value for a Pd game. Of german origin. ” Quote from original 17 Bit Catalogue. DMS Image.
Particle Man:
Pengo: Version of the arcade classic.
Platman: A simple platform game - collect the key and exit the screen.
PoolyMorf: Great puzzle game.
Pucman Worlds: Classic arcade fun.
Push n Pull: Puzzle game.
Quik and Silva: also known as The Adventures of Quick and Silva. A platform game where you run and shoot various enemy characters. Professional graphics and simple gameplay. Worth a few minutes of your time. Click here to watch a video clip of the game from Youtube.
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Return to Earth: Pd Version of Elite.
Salmon Pink Mx: Sequel to bi-plane - includes one player game.
Smash Telly: If you liked the arcade version then give this a go. For those of you who never played Smash TV it is basically a futeristic game show where the contestants have to fight to the death to win prizes.
Space Taxi and Space Taxi 3: Great multi player fun - move your space taxi around collecting fares.
Super Balls:
Tanx: Very simple game concept. Two tanks take turns to blow each other up and yet it is rather addictive and worth spending a few minutes playing. Click here to watch a video clip of the game from Youtube.
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Tanx N Stuff: More multiplayer fun involving tanks.
Teeny Weeny's: Fun puzzle game.
Top Secret: Platform game - worth a look. Click here to watch a video clip of the game from Youtube.
Trail blazer
Transplant: Shoot em up game
Truckin - I enjoyed this game when I was younger - involves running a truck company moving cargo across the country to make money. 2 disk game.
Wibble World Giddy: Very professional looking arcade adventure game. If you liked the Dizzy games you should enjoy this. Click here to watch a video of the game from Youtube.
Wizzy Quest: My favourite public domain game of all time. Simple in design and very addictive. Similar to Soleman's key apparently, although I never played that game.
Wizo and Wizo 2: Mario clone platform game. Wizo 2 is faster and has better playability.
Zerg: Role play game.