Top Tens
Here is the third top ten to vote on Arcade Games. The aim is to have 10 top ten game genres to vote on and produce a top 100 list of Amiga Public Domain games.
If you can think of other arcade style games to include please add them to the comments box.
If the quality of games exist the list may then grow to contain a top 200 !!!
If you can think of other arcade style games to include please add them to the comments box.
If the quality of games exist the list may then grow to contain a top 200 !!!
AmigaPd's Top Ten Arcade GamesListed below are AmigaPd's Top Ten Arcade games. If you disagree with them then vote for your favourite on the poll to the right. If you think a game is missing then please add a comment in the commend box on the right.
PengoOne of my all time favourite shareware games. Should have included it in my top ten but I hadn't played it when I was making that list.
Bob's GardenA great version of Mr Do!. Simple arcade fun at its best.
QbicAnother classic arcade game is brought to the Amiga via the Pd scene.
Elevation and Elevation 2Move your character across the screen avoiding the lifts - very addictive.
DripMove Drip across the pipes changing their colours.
Very professional. Deluxe PacmanGreat version of the classic Pacman game. Read more about the author of this game in our interview with Edgar Vigdal
ToadoClassic Frogger game with lovely graphics. Read more about this game in our interivew with Jim Wills.
MegaBallWonderful Arkanoid game which is updated 4 times.
YelpClassic update of the painter game.
ElektrekClever idea - your character can move between two fields as he tries to avoid the electic currents to switch off switches - be great if this was a download game for the new Nintendo 3Ds.
NotesThe following games could be classified as Arcade as they are arcade remakes but will be included in the top ten shoot em up section (Asteroids, Defender,Scramble, Zaxon)
Honourable Mention - Depth ChargeIt is very difficult choosing a top ten - I would love to have included Depth Charge in this list as well - so I will cheat and include an honourable mention entry : )
Top Ten Arcade GamesBelow is a selction of images of the arcade games.
Check out the PD Game Download section to try out these games. If the disk images isn't there use our disk request service. All games featured will appear for download over the coming months. HTML Comment Box is loading comments...