#Amiga - blimey the guys at http://www.recordedamigagames.org
have already done a long play of Sqrxz 2. #Amiga - If you haven't done so already check out cubex55 on youtube for some great longplay wideos
#Amiga - One of my favourite PD games Drip gets the Playguide treatment by the guys at Lemon Amiga.
#Amiga - A very thorough player's guide to Alien Bash from Lemon Amiga.
#Amiga - Robert Hazelby has been doing a fantastic job reporting on latest Amiga news and I was impressed by his latest post where he mentions a new RPG type of game under development for the Amiga created in Backbone - Visit his blog for more information.
AmigaPdAmiga PD is a charityware site - if you download any disk images you are encouraged to donate to our chosen charity - Mencap - at our justgiving page. About Us
AmigaPd is dedicated to promoting past, current and future public domain games for the Commodore Amiga.
August 2015