Fantastic interview by Codetapper explaining how Putty Squad finally got released on the Amiga. Big thank you to Galahad from EAB Forum for making this happen.
Fantastic interview by Codetapper explaining how Putty Squad finally got released on the Amiga. Big thank you to Galahad from EAB Forum for making this happen.
#Amiga #new # game -
Hi all, Graham Humphrey, of Downfall fame, has been busy working on a Dizzy type adventure for the Amiga. As yet the name of the game hasn't been confirmed, or the story or even the name of the main character. However, the most recent post by Graham suggests that the game is developing nicely and should be completed in the New Year! Follow, the game's development on Graham's facebook page. #PuttySquad - System 3 have given perhaps the best Christmas present to the Amiga community - they have released the full version of Putty Squad for free.
This link will take you to the announcement by System 3 and contains the disk images for download. Merry Christmas everyone, and I hope the game works and you have a fun time playing it. Recommended Game No. 2 - Santa and Rudolph Do Christmas - Ian West download it here and have some festive fun. Enjoy!
Introducing a new category for our this blog which is recommended games. First up is Metagalatic Llamas by arcade game legend Jeff Minter. It is a game which I seem to have missed, I remember playing Llamatron and Revenge of the Mutant Camels but never got round to playing this. The game is a fun, llama themed shooter with the usual Jeff Minter twist - in this case a ceiling which you can move up and down to bounce your shots off. As usual, a very fast paced, manic shooter.
#Amiga - New interview with Gary Dunne - creator of such great puzzle games Infection and Toobz. Click here to read the full interview.
AmigaPdAmiga PD is a charityware site - if you download any disk images you are encouraged to donate to our chosen charity - Mencap - at our justgiving page. About Us
AmigaPd is dedicated to promoting past, current and future public domain games for the Commodore Amiga.
August 2015