#Amiga - Update on Danagermouse adventure game - Have worked out the combat routine. Will now go through locations involving combats and add details for the enemies and also try to upload suitable pictures.
Have now completed 386 out of 400 location descriptions. The remaining descriptions relate to the end sequence.
The attention now will move to the luck / fear and combat routines. After that images will be added and location titles will be added. Will also try to add a save routine to make game testing easier. Overall probably still about 5 months of work to go. Click here to read our interview with Rob Hewitt as he talks about his game Timebomb.
Graham Humphrey has done a grand job on the play testing - there are four known problems which I hope to solve over the next couple of weeks.
"Sometimes when you get fined for crowd trouble, the fine is £0, At the end of the season, the pic that appears seems to have a bit of a messed-up palette (very minor issue that one). The team in the News of the World press story is always Liverpool rather than the team you are managing. The game appears to lock up after the second game in the second season." Big thank you to Graham and if anyone else has identified bugs please let me know then hopefully I can correct them for the planned Hard drive version. Update: Found a bug when you select no comment on News of the World Scandal. Read our latest interview with Retroguru - the creators of Sqrxz - and find out how an alien became a rabbit!!!!
Click here to read interview. Another game under development - using Backbone.
Read about lastest development of Gravity Beam - a new thrust type of game on the amiga.
The creator describes it a mixture between the ever-popular Gravity Force 2 and AMOS favourite Tractor Beam http://eab.abime.net/showthread.php?t=63890&highlight=gravity+beam Latest interview by Codetapper with Bobby Earl - creator of some great commercial games including Hook.
http://www.codetapper.com/amiga/interviews/bobby-earl/ Tractor Beam - Public Domain game which has inspired a new amiga game under development called Gravity Beam. |
AmigaPdAmiga PD is a charityware site - if you download any disk images you are encouraged to donate to our chosen charity - Mencap - at our justgiving page. About Us
AmigaPd is dedicated to promoting past, current and future public domain games for the Commodore Amiga.
August 2015