Darren Ithell has kindly agreed for us to use the graphics from his game, Dithell in Space for the cover of our up coming e-book (The Ultimate Guide to Amiga PD Games - The very best Shareware and Public Domain games for the Commodore Amiga). The above image is a preview of the Kindle cover.
The book is progressing at a steady rate, with contributions from Graham Humphrey, Lifeschool and Robert Hazelby. We also hope to include an extended interview with DJ Cruickshank of Alien Fish Finger and Hydrozone Fame. Thanks guys for your wonderful support with this project.
We hope to move to proof reading stage for February and potential e-publishing in March this year. Keep following us for more updates.
Darren Ithell has kindly agreed for us to use the graphics from his game, Dithell in Space for the cover of our up coming e-book (The Ultimate Guide to Amiga PD Games - The very best Shareware and Public Domain games for the Commodore Amiga). The above image is a preview of the Kindle cover.
The book is progressing at a steady rate, with contributions from Graham Humphrey, Lifeschool and Robert Hazelby. We also hope to include an extended interview with DJ Cruickshank of Alien Fish Finger and Hydrozone Fame. Thanks guys for your wonderful support with this project.
We hope to move to proof reading stage for February and potential e-publishing in March this year. Keep following us for more updates.