Apologies for the low music level - whenever I make a video of UAE the sound quality is always extremely quiet.
Also learnt how to add music from mod. files into Amos. Following routine as described in Easy Amos manual.
is used to load a Tracker module into the memory bank
number of your choice. Be careful, because the first
thing it will do is erase any existing data in this bank
number before loading the new data. The new bank will
be caIled "Tracker".
Track Load "modulename", banknumber
To start your Tracker music playing, simply give this
command, foIlowed by the appropriate bank number.
Try out a song now. Load this off your "Easy AMOS
Examples" disc:
Track Load "Easy_ Exarrples :Songs/m:x1 . laugh" , 6
Track Play, 6
If you leave out the banknurnber, banknumber6will be used
asa default anyway. Most computerised composers use sets
of patterns to make up their tunes, which can be repeated in
any order that pleases the ear. You can kick off a Tracker
sequencefromanyoneofthesepattems, providing you know
what they are of course. AIl you have to do is add thepattem
nurnberafterthebanknumber. Change the second line of that
lastexampleandadd a third lineasfollows. You'llbelaughing
all the way to the bank: