The first thing to do is load up the skeleton disk and from the main menu select Bob Setup.
In this example we are going to use the bob setup to create an animated horizontal rat baddie.
Selecting Bob Setup will take you to the Bob Editor as shown below.
The next option is The number of ANIMATION images - if you want a static animated item such as torches, you would select 0 - for the rat, we need to select 3 as the rat has 3 frames of animation for each direction - the maximum any bob item can have is 5.
The next option is to set the Animation Speed - This determines how fast the sprite is animated - a speed of 6 seems to work quite well and is the default setting we are using. Lower speeds makes the animation routine run faster whilst higher numbers makes the animation run slower.
If you want to experiment, change the speed and then select Test Bob this will enable you to test the bob in any of your rooms - you are first asked to select the location / room you want to test the bob in.
At this stage you are just checking animated speed and not looking to change the bobs movement - if you are happy with the animation spped and want to exit press the left mouse button. Pressing the right mouse button will overwrite the start position of the bob, in the above picture I would be overwriting the pattern where the bob is running along the ground to a starting position where it would start below the ground level which is clearly something I don't want to do at this moment in time.
Returning to the Bob Editor we now have to decide on the type of (movement) pattern.
There are nine choices to select from as shown below.
If you want to check the animation direction routine then from the Bob Editor menu select View Type. You need to remember that it will show the animation direction routine for the current number showing in the grey box and not the one list against Type of Pattern to be used by the bob.
The first location we want to set is the start position - it is generally a good idea to have the baddie starting in the middle of the room rather than near the sides where the player can enter. For the start position, if you exit the test bob screen by pressing the right mouse button then reality will automatically set the start position to that of where the moveable sprite was when you exited the screen. In the example below the start position would be overwritten to X - 091 and Y=147
Now you have to select the furthest location the bob will move vertically. The highest position is shown by Minimum Y position and the lowest position vertically the bob can move is shown by maximum Y position.
The next option is to select whether you want the bob to start facing in a left or right direction.
If you select 0 the bob will start facing left and will begin moving to the left. If you select 1 the bob will start facing right and will move to the right first before then moving in the opposite direction.
Now we have to select the speed of movement of the bob - The higher the number the faster the bob will move - 2 is a good default speed for baddies - 8 is ridiculously fast, but feel free to experiment.
Now we have to set the strength of the baddie, which basically states whether the baddie will harm our player by taking some energy (set number to 1, or whether it will kill the player instantly, set the number to 2 or is friendly and causes no damage, set number to 0. For our rat we want to set the variable to 1 to reduce the player's energy if it collides with the rat.
Next you have the option to select the direction, vertical moving baddies will start moving in - set this to 0 for upward moving baddies and to 1 for downward moving baddies. The rat is a horizontal moving bob so we don't need to worry about this.
Lastly, you can select a particular message to be shown, if the player dies as a result of hitting the bob. Just select the number which relates to the message number you want displayed.
Once,everything is set as you want, Exit the Bob Editor. Then from the Reality Adventure Skeleton main menu select Save Data. If everything has gone as planned, you should have now added a bob / baddie to one of your rooms.
The next tutorial may either look at objects in more detail or look at modifying the game information screen (currently shown at the bottom of my DM game).